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Saturday's Air


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Morning All! What a joy it was to see the sun shining in my windows as the sun rose this morning. We needed the rain but had just about enough for awhile.

It was a bit of a zoo here last night. Stan and I had been to town. It was a lovely breezy day and we sat outside for lunch at Pepe's. Terrific lunch. We were chilling in front of the TV and Stan's friend driving to NDakota called. Turns out Stan was leaving this am not tomorrow. We laughed so hard. He just had Sunday locked in as the 22nd. He'd said it so many times that when I looked at the 22nd on the calendar, I didn't even catch that it was Sat not Sun. Fortunately he was pretty ready and I told him to think that it just eliminates one more day of anticipation lol. We said good-night last night since he was leaving around 3 am to drive to Ft Lauderdale for his flight.

Stephanie, it sounds as though they were powerful words you read at the conference. Glad someone was there to appreciate the moment and move things on. It must have been satisfying though to bring your experience into such sharp focus.

Have to go see what I will do with this day since I will not be making Stan oatmeal raisen cookies. Have a good one everyone.

Judy in KW

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Good morning Judy,

Gray and wet here in the PNW. I woke early enough to fed the loud cat before he woke M. Really good, he needs some extra sleep.

Believe it or not, I had some notes on ideas to speak about, but no script. There were 4 of us as a panel, plus a moderator who asked questions and we just did it as it came out. So my words were a bit jumbled, but they still hit the mark. The funny thing is, we were talking about group - and that little piece was not about group at all (oops, off topic!)

Cookies, did someone say cookies?

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Good afternoon! Steph, sounds like you did a good job! Cookies sound good right about now.

We went out last night with friends, for a quiet dinner. We're having a couple over tonight for steaks. I was a lazy bum all week, so spent the last four hours with a vacuum, mop, dust cloth and cleaning solution in the kitchen. It looks so nice now! I'm amazed at how well I'm doing with all of that now. When I first had to start cleaning, I was overwhelmed and didn't know how I'd keep it up. Now? Easy Peasy. I just had to develop my own "system" and stay on top of it. I know it sounds silly to talk about cleaning your home this way, but this is a huge home, and not easy to clean. With two hound dogs dragging in dead animals, dirt, dog hair, leaves, etc., it's a big job to keep it up! I feel great now that it's all pretty again.

R is outside getting things winterized. He plugged some holes that the wood peckers put in the side of the house, put away the lawn furniture, pulled the deadly (LOL) paddle boat out of the water, and blew leaves. It's a beautiful, crisp and sunny day. Perfect for getting chores done!

Now I'm off to read and relax until our friends come over. I got the easy part with dinner. R is cooking steaks, and my friend said she was doing the side dishes and dessert. She insisted and I of course was NOT going to argue. LOL

MI Judy

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