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Saturday's Air


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Morning All! Have to admit I did it again but honestly, I didn't mean too. I start something, he feels bad and finishes it--or he finishes it because he thinks he can do it better lol. I was too tired to put the screens back in after they dried last night. I'd done the screens, the inside pane I could get to and hosed the outside. If you don't know about these windows, they have small adjustable blinds sandwiched between two panes. I thought I'd done them before but when I went to try to separate them, I thought the whole window was going to fall out so stopped. When I got up this morning, Stan had put the screens back in. He in the meantime assured me the panes do come apart. He did the worst one looking on the orchid room. It was a lot of work (as I recall now!) so we'll do the rest another time.

Muriel, good to see you. I can and do ignore windows all the time. It's just I'm looking at these four all the time when I am in my chair. Wish I could ignore them. I often use company coming to do things I want done anyway.

Judy, I don't mind people reading and not posting. You have to look at it this way, we could be just talking to ourselves lol.

Lily, I'm sorry you're have so many physical problems. They may seem small compared to LC but combined they affect your qol. Hope you get to rest and recover on your vacation with your family.

Alan, thanks for going to the walk. When any one of us advocates, it honors us all. I'm particularly appreciative since I'm in a little community at the end of the world. The Cancer Society is king here. I couldn't even get them to do a newspaper article last year. Maybe I'll try again next year.

We're waiting for our helper so I'd better to get it together. Have a great day everyone.

Judy in KW

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Happy Saturday fellow survivors, My Internist didn't even know about Nov. being "our" month. I never asked where he sends his patients who get this dx. ..could be interesting. Judy, I know all about those Pella windows. They are fantastic but truly a pain in the rear end to work on. You don't want to paint hem, beleive me. There are pieces everywhere. Do you have the removable grills too? double work. Gotta go chores calling, it's late already, bye for now

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