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Monday's Air

Janet B

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Good Afternoon Everyone!!

I slept in late today, the Hope Summit did me in!!

What an amazing event!! I am sorry I did not post during it, but there was, incredibly, limited wi fi access at the hotel (ie, only in the bar and lobby) and we were kept busy from sun up til sun down! I took some pictures which I will try to figure out how to post here and on FB later today! I have tried to explain to others what was so special about the weekend, and it is difficult to put into words. Yes, the speakers were amazing, we learned some things, we had great food, lots of "pints" (as Eric would say!) and were awesome bowlers (not!) But REALLY what made it so special was being together with so many people who just "got it". People who have been through the ringer and made it out and still have that great gift of HOPE. I have not done so much, smiled so much, laughed so much in a long long time.

Diane, I hope we meet there next year! It is my next goal to strive for! Curly Sue, I am so sorry we did not get to chat at the Summit. On the ride home I was regretting all the people I did not get to talk to and spend time with, I tried to get to at least say hello to everyone, but you know how filled the days were and I am sorry we did not connect. Next year!!!!! In the mean time I am so glad you came to "the Air" I hope you visit often!!

Meeting Eric, Bud, Sarah, Alan, Jaime, Cindy, Dawn, Katie, people I have been chatting with here for years was such a gift.

Hugs to everyone, and Diane, I think green thumb or not, plants do better when you plant them in the basket yourself, The nursery, in order to make them look pretty, overcrowds them, and then they become root bound before too long.

Sending hugs and prayers to Judy in KW. You were in my thoughts all weekend Judy, I tried to send Hope Summit good vibes your way!


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Janet - it does indeed sound even more amazing that I would have thought. Can't wait until next year. I do remember 10 pin bowling from my high school days - those are the small balls if I'm not confused (and that's always possible). Don't have those out here - and I really sucked . . . but sounds like great fun.

I'll be looking forward to a few pictures.


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Diane, you're thinking duck pins, those are the little ones. (I coulda done that) Eric has funny words for alot of stuff. He never stops smiling, what a hoot. I can't stop thinking about the whole weekend. So many wonderful people.

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Good evening, everyone!

It was great seeing LCSC people that I had met last year and meeting new ones this year. Very, very cool!

Janet is right, it's hard to describe how great it all was. I'm still digesting all of what happened. Like Alan, I didn't get to talk to nearly everyone. I was enjoying visiting with the ones I had met so much that I didn't make myself take time to introduce myself to everyone else. I must do better next time.

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