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Guest sandy

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Hi Everyone,

I hope you're not getting sick of me, but I'm so confused right now. I just wrote a couple of days ago about the good news my dad got from the radiologist. he told my dad that he had a very good partial response and that he felt he had turned the corner. He said that he could barley see the tumors and that they had shrunk quite a bit. We were all so happy. Then yesterday, my dad went to the oncologist and he said that he did have what they call a very good response, but the fact of the matter was the 2 tumors were still there....smaller.but still there. He then went on to tell my dad that it wasn't a matter of "if" they grow back, but of when. The cancer is limited and as of last week from all the tests, it hadn't spread to any other part of his body. So, my dad asks what he thinks and the doctor says, well, we were hoping for a complete response so this is disappointing. We'll check you again in 2-3 months and if it has come back, it will be to soon to really do anything. However if it doesn't come back for at least 4 months or so, then we may be able to start chemo again, but it would be more of a palliative treatment. My dad is feeling like he was told basically that he should only count on maybe 3-4 months. The doctor wasn't very optimistic at all, not like the radiologist. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just not wanting to face reality.

Thanks for listening

Sandy M.

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Take Daddy to another oncologist for a second opinion. The "wait and see" of three months for something he says WILL grow back is unacceptable. I don't think it's ever "too soon" but can be clearly "too late" for treatment. Far too many contradictions to take just one opinion right now....were they ALL stating basically the same thing, then you could kinda be accepting of it, but this is just too far on opposite sides of the situation.

Set your mind at ease, get another opinion.

Best of everything,


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I went through a similar thing during my diagnostic phase. One doc optimistic, the next pessimistic. If I were you I'd take Becky's advice and see another oncologist.

There is nothing wrong with getting ALL the information you can. Keep looking until you find a doctor you can trust ... then really listen to what he has to say. If you don't understand, keep asking questions until you do.


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My dad did pretty good with the chemo as far as not getting sick at all. He did have to have one blood transfusion because his blood wasn't coming back to where he needed it to be. He never got sick and he went out for walks everyday with his dog. We are in Edmonton Alberta Canada and he's going to the Cross Cancer Center, which is suppose to be one of the best Cancer Hospital anywhere. I don't know if it's the treatment, but my dad seems so mad all the time now. I call him and he doesn't want to talk and he jumps on everything I say. I'm scared to say anything to him about treatment because he tells me he doesn't want to talk about it. I realize he's scared so I just try and go with it, but it gets hard when you're constantly being snapped at. The other day I tried to be optimistic when he was telling me what the doctor said and he got really mad. I want to spend as much time with him as I can and he doesn't want to spend time with me at all. Maybe it's his way of dealing with this. I don't know anymore.

Sandy M.

Dad- 72 year old

10/18/03 Dx Limited SCLC

5 weeks daily Radiation to the chest

5 rounds of Chemo

01/12/04 -Ct Scan,MRI show tumor has shrunk but still there

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The doctor told my dad he would get more chemo, but not before his body had at least a three month break. He said he would not be able to tolerate more chemo until his body had a chance to recuperate from the first rounds. Is that not normal....to wait?

Sandy M.

Dad- 72 year old

10/18/03 Dx Limited SCLC

5 weeks daily Radiation to the chest

5 rounds of Chemo


Ct Scan,MRI show tumor has shrunk but still there.

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I really think you should check w/another onc or talk to your dad's. Look at my profile notes on my dad. Our dads were dxd a few weeks apart. My dad, like yours, had good response w/4 initial rounds of chemo. We found out a few weeks ago that it's growing back. Original chemo shrunk to 1/4 size, but has grown back to 1/2. Also, a few spots on brain that my dad didn't have before (or we don't think so). His onc tried another chemo drug (Campo) that didn't work well (too many side affects), but just started my dad on Taxol this past Monday. Dad is doing well w/new chemo (as far as side affects) and we're hoping for good response. His onc didn't say anything about waiting, just "let's go after this again". My dad has been very healthy overall -- maintaining weight, no blood count issues, etc. I also think a few months is too long to wait. That's how long they said my dad had his SCLC when he was first diagnosed and it had spread to several areas in that short amount of time. Stay strong and God Bless!

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