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He was on good Morning America this morning, and spoke of his dad, who died of lung cancer this past fall. He told Diane that his father had smoked, then quit for 10 years prior to diagnosis. He moved up his wedding to have his dad there, and says he stops people on the streets who are smoking and tell them not to. I am going to search for an address for him.



Sent the following off to "the official Adam Sandler website"

I saw Adam's interview last week on Good Morning America, and felt his sorrow over the death of his dad from lung cancer. In April I will be a three year survivor of lung cancer, and wish to inform Adam of a terrific website for lung cancer patients, survivors, and families.

Many, like Adam, have lost loved ones to this dreaded disease. We are trying to make people see lung cancer for what it is---a dreaded disease that can affect anyone, smoker or not. We want to erase the stigma associated with lung cancer, and work to get more funding.

In our support group we have non-smokers in their 30's who have been diagnosed, and people like myself, who were non-smokers longer than they were smokers.

Thank you Adam, for speaking up about lung cancer on national TV.


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