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Allergic to Durvalumab


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It's been a while since I updated.  Initially I was slated to have surgery.  They stopped the surgery part way through because they didn't think I was going to survive.  They thought I would have a better chance with radiation and chemotherapy.  I did those for I believe 8 weeks, and then headed to San Antonio (UT Health) to have immunotherapy with durvalumab.  However, at the first appointment the doctor thought I had pneumonia, so they threw me into the hospital.  From there, they determined I did not have pneumonia, but instead had radiation pneumonitis.  So after a week in the hospital I was released again to start immunotherapy.  Last week I had my first bout of immunotherapy with durvalumab.  When they started the fusion, within the first few minutes I started itching initially all over my face, and but later extending down to my waist.  Then I developed hives or bumps everywhere I was itching.  They immediated shut the infusion off, and injected benedryl via the IV. Ultimately they determined that they would send me home, prescribed a brief course of steroids (5 days) and 3 days of 50mg of benedryl 4X a day.  

In early August I head back to Houston (MD Anderson) for a pet scan, meetings with pulmonologists, and my medical oncologist. So my question is whether there is still a possibility of using durvalumab, or whether I can use keytruda.  I see. keytruda and durvalumab both target different areas.

Any thoughts on this???

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Keytruda is probably out as it's nearly identical in inactive ingredients as Imfinzi .  Opdivo may have a better chance of not containing an ingredient you're allergic to.

Polysorbate 80 and water are common to all 3.  Polysorbate 80 is in thousands of processed food so chances are lower you would be allergic without knowing it .

Keytruda and Imfinzi both contain L-histidine,  L-histidine hydrochloride monohydrate, and  Sucrose.

Opdivo on the other hand contains 

Sodium citrate dihydrate, Sodium chloride, Mannitol, and  Pentetic acid.

They each have their own monoclonal antibody that are different. And teach also have the PS80 and water.


Personally I'd get tested for the PS80 allergy now. Because if you are allergic no sense in trying one with it in there.


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For me, Durvalumab after radiation resulted in live-threatening pneumonitis. There is a note in my chart that basically says, Never again. 

After the reaction you describe, I wonder why durva would even be a consideration. I hope your discussion with your care team will clarify this. 

Keytruda's website says that it is not appropriate for patients with EGFR and ALK mutations. You didn't mention biomarkers. Your next treatment plans will be dependent on those. You might think about reviewing any genetic study you received-- mine had detailed discussions of treatment options for each of my mutations. 

If you want to see the current standard of care pathways for your stage and type of cancer, the National Comprehensive Cancer Center has a series of charts that lead you through the recommendations for different mutations.

Good luck! 



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