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St. Baldricks and thanks for your support

Remembering Dave

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Hi, everyone, this is Karen. I just thought I'd give everyone an update on the fundraiser Dave did for St. Baldricks where he shaved his head on stage in front of a couple of thousand people at the Irish Festival here in Richmond. It was a huge success and I think really raised awareness of children's cancer issues and cancer in general. One lady got shaved, a middle aged lady who was the vice principal at a school. After she got shaved she took the mike and gave a talk asking all the children present to be kind to their fellow students who are sick and lose their hair. Said she sees too often a young cancer victim bullied because they lose their hair and she was doing this to raise awareness. The whole crowd cheered for her. Well, they also cheered for Dave - he was the first person shaved and was introduced as someone who had just finished treatment for lung cancer and was currently cancer free - that got a wonderful positive response from the crowd and I think raised awareness just a little bit, at least.

So a big thank you to everyone here who sponsored Dave and to everyone else who sponsored us with your prayers and words of support. It was a wonderful way to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary and Dave being cancer free one year to the day after his diagnoses.

God Bless everyone,

Karen C.

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Guest Karen C

Gosh, thanks, Norme!

And thanks Don!

We feel so lucky to have gotten to know everyone here. You guys feel like family to us.

We love you all,

Karen C.

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