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If You Are on Iressa...


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stop a minute and count your pills.

Make sure you received 30 if you get them factory sealed in the AstraZeneca bottle. John was shorted about 6 pills this time, lot #3205K exp 7/05. Had to get replacements from AstraZeneca via our pharmacy.


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Ry Thanks for the telling us to count the pills not only the cost bt the inconvenience of replacing them like we don;t have enough to do. I paid for the first prescrition and yes could have had a nice vacation in the islands. Thanks -- Has John had a recent scan to see how the iressa is working? thanks and take care. Carlton

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Welcome back Ry!!! Have you counted the silverware yet?? :shock:

By the way, speaking of Bruce.... He mentioned that Thank God I'm a Country Boy is his favorite song :roll: ... I think that merits a HUGE fine, but thought I'd leave it up to you.....

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Oh man, you can't believe what we walked into. What was i thinking? The floors look great but the entire house is layered in wood dust. We'll be cleaning forever. I am wondering why Igor bothered to tape off the rooms as the stuff got everywhere. Don't even get me going on the smell.... I wish he would have had that house sale it would be less to clean.

Yes, definately Bruce must be fined. I will deal with him in chat on Tuesday when I fine him for whining about his allegies...


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