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Neuplasta shot-did you get this any side effects?


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Had my first one last week, Jen....following day three of chemo, I went in the next day for the shot. The nurse said it can make your bones ache....the long bones....like pelvis, thighs, etc. I guess...within 24-48 hrs. of getting the shot...but that the effects don't last more than a day or two.

I have a sort of heaviness much of the time in my forearms...and that sort of intensified a little but otherwise I did just fine, with no noticeable aches. Don't know yet if this builds up over time...and whether or not later shots might cause more symptoms. Will see....I guess.

The nurse said if your bones do sort of ache....a Tylenol should take care of it. I guess the Neulasta shot you only get once per cycle...where the Neupogen has to be given more often??? But apparently when the wbc's do start to rise again, Neulasta boosts them even faster, so it's beneficial.

A shot is a shot is a shot....but sometimes it can be MORE than just a shot, can't it? :wink:

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Procrit worked best for me. I had it throught the first 2 cycles and then they switched me over to Neoprogen (sp?) I could deffinitely tell the difference and resguested the procrit several times but they never went back to it.

Don't forget to update us on day 3......orohave I missed it in my pain pill filled bliss?

David C

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I wonder if they do the switches because they have gotten a better deal on one or the other from the drug companies? I know Don's Lucie had a switch from one drug to another with no real explanation.

If so, and the patient isn't getting the same good effects, then this is near criminal, in my book.


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Elaine, belive me, I thought the exct same thing, especially when I requested the Procrit not once but on multiple occasions and was told they don't use it any more. Pi**ed me off to tell you they truth. I also wonder if the insurance companies have something to do with it since Procrit was given once a week and these others are once a cycle, costs them less

David C

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My mom had neulasta after each of her last 5 rounds to protect her from low white counts, she never had any side effects such as aches. She also received Aranesp shots, instead of Procrit, for chemo induce anemia. This she thought might have made her slightly nauseous, but it passed quickly. Both shots kept her on her chemo schedule.

Congratulations on getting one step closing to the new "C" word-cured!

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hello jen.....had nuelasta and still getting them. just a bit of bone pain and yes a tylonol will take care of it. dave procrit is for red count i believe...i get that too. nuelasta is white count. you only need one nuelasta as apossed to 6 or so nuprogen.

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I was about to say that procrit is for something different then the neupogen but then I noticed that Rick already had.

Just wanted to add my good thoughts to ya that you don't have a problem and be in need of this.

I had procrit my first round of chemo but didn't need the meds for the white cell counts. Made it through this most recent chemo without needing either of them :D

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My previous oncologist liked nulasta, even when my white count was normal. Perhaps because they billed the shot at over $4000.00. Before I left him, he had my white cells at twice the normal range. I had to have transfusions because of low red cells however, despite the procrit shots.

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