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Ports, Infections, Blood Clots


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Well, Charlie is back in the hospital as of yesterday morning--high fever, blood clot in his arm (just like I thought last Mon.), red all the way to his port.

Does anyone have any experience with ports getting infected and having to take them out or blood clots and infections?

We are in a wait and see mode. If his temp. doesn't come down and his redness/swelling improve, then they will have to decide what to do. In the meantime, we are trapped (he more than me) in this hospital room.

It is very discouraging. Of course, the hospital staff are trying to keep us happy since they know that one of their nurses caused this blood clot when they gave his blood thinner 7 hrs. late. The doctor used the term "profound" to describe his tendency to clot. I think they are getting worried about taking the port out since they would have to stop his blood thinner to do it.

If anyone knows anything about ports, infections and blood clots, I would welcome some advice/insight.

Sorry to ramble. This is really getting frustrating! THanks for your thoughts/prayers and support. I am praying for each one of you.


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Just having lung cancer puts you at risk for blood clots.,. Many are first diagnosed with blood clots , then have a CT to see if they have thrown an emboli to the lungs and low and behold they find a tumor in the lung.

Praying that all is better soon. Donna G

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What a tough time Charlie has had. We all know that mistakes happen but medical mistakes are really significant and can be so harmful.

I remember that you were looking into trials. Maybe this is a good time to pursue that avenue again. Don't give up trying to get what YOU and CHARLIE want as far as care.

Praying hard.


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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

Geez. Charlie deserves better care. I'm praying for both of you. If I had a magic potion, I'd send it your way.

I know you don't have time and this is probably the last thing on your mind, but if you can, I'd send the hospital a letter of complaint. Sometimes, after that, the staff will be extra careful around him. Here's hoping. Darn, darn, some of these so-called medical personnel.


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Yes, Lucie's port got infected with staph not long after she got it put in while she was in the hospital for dehydration. I brought her home and had to take her right back to ER that night. It went systemic and she almost died (Dec. 2002). The port had to be removed and she had to be treated at the port site for several weeks while it healed. A month later, a new port was put in on the other side so she could start chemo. She has had the port since Jan. 2003, with no further incident. The port has to be flushed with heparin solution and with saline after every use. She still has her port, and that is good, since she just started chemo again. Don

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Ironic you should post this. One of our clients (I work with individuals with disabilities) is currently in the hospital in bad shape due to a port infection. She has gone septic. I hope they have Charlie on massive antibiotics.

The nurses mistake is a bad one, not sure how she managed to make a 7 hour med error. However, it was nice they admitted the error that is rare these days.

Wishing you both the very best!


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wow, so sorry to hear this. Dave never had any trouble with his first port, now he's on port #2, but I do know he went in to the oncologist's office on a regular basis to get it flushed out with heparin and he's always on blood thinner - coumadin or warfarin, to prevent the clotting.

best wishes for a speedy recovery, I hope he gets over this quick.


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Thanks everybody. Turns out the clot in his arm is hugh--the whole underside of his arm from below his armpit to below his elbow--very bad one! The infection very well could be from this. We hope it isn't his port. We should know tomorrow. Gotta go so I can go home and get some rest.

This hospital is only a year old. Therefore, there are internet connections in every room. Very handy for working and trying to keep up with this board. Thanks to all and I am praying for all of you.


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Just can't believe Charlie has to go through this on top of the cancer. Steve was supposed to have a port implanted, but his platelets were way too low for surgery so they installed a PICC line again. After reading about Charlie, I think I'm glad. Hope everything will be looking up soon now that they seem to have a complete picture.

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