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Phenylalanine and Tyrosine


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Whey protein contains a bunch of amino-acids - This info seems to contradict the benefits of whey protien I have read elsewhere :(:(

Very confusing

Phenylalanine can promote the cell division of existing malignant melanoma cells. If you have melanoma, or any other form of cancer for that matter, avoid phenylalanine. According to a study in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, three patients with metastatic melanoma and three with metastatic breast cancer took part in a study that involved a diet of phenylalanine and tyrosine administered at a very low dose (10 mg/kg/day for 1 month). The results were not good. Researchers reported that all the patients experienced anxiety and depression and other side effects. They also lost weight. The authors of this pilot study concluded: "Low phenylalanine and tyrosine diets do not appear to be a viable treatment option for patients with advanced cancer" (Harvie et al. 2002).

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