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One for the women.

Mr Ry

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A man and a woman are driving down the same road at the same time.

As they pass each other the woman leans out the window, points and yells, “PIG! ”

The man immediately leans out his window, shakes his fist and shouts back, “WITCH!"

They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he slams into a pig that had wandered into the middle of the road.

If only men would listen.

Frank are you still keeping score?

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Mr. Ry-- We just might have to make you an honorary woman--! :shock::D

Not sure how Mrs. Ry will feel about that--but let's just say Honorary Woman for the Distinct Purpose of Providing Jokes that Expose the Truth about Men"

That's a heck of a long title to put on your resume, huh? 8)

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Now that I am a "Honorary Woman for the Distinct Purpose of Providing Jokes that Expose the Truth about Men" (HWFTDPOPJTETTAM). I can post anything I want. I will be in their good graces long enough to be able to post a few jokes on the Truth about Women.


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