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My Lung Cancer

Guest LeoraeK

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I have had lung cancer for about 1 year now, but just heard about this support site from a friend in Minnesota. I have non small cell lung cancer which had, when diagnosed, spread to my mediasternim lymph nodes. I had surgery to remove the cancer from my lung and also the lymph nodes. Then begin the long radiation and chemotherapy. After several months, the cancer had spread to my adrenal gland and also two lymph nodes. I started on Cisplatin and Taxotere. The first treatment was a breeze - up and at it in about 3 days. But.... the next was a killer. Two weeks later, I am still anemic, taking Procrit and my platlets are low. I am totally fatigued and nauseated. I have an oncologist in St. Louis and Jefferson City. I am scheduled for a cat scan next week and if the tumor on the adrenal gland has shrunk, I will take only one kind of chemo which should be easier on the body. Thanks for listening. :)

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Welcome to this wonderful place where we all hate to be! Please let us know how we can be of support to you . . . the folks here who have lung cancer can give you such great insight and advice, and I'm sure you'll be able to do the same. Keep posting so we can get to know you better!

Oh yeah - are you in the St. Louis area? My in-laws live in Bonne Terre, about an hour south of St. Louis. My FIL is battling a very rare, very aggressive skin cancer (similar to melanoma) and goes to an oncologist in St. Louis, but I'm not sure of his name. I'd be interested to hear of your experience with doctors in that area.

Praying for us all,


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Yes, we live close to St. Louis. Some of my doctors are at Barnes Hospital. So sorry about your loss. I have had so many chemo types, that I am getting scared of them all. I have had Carboplatin, Taxol, Cisplatin and Taxotere!! The last two have been the worst. Having a terrible time recuperating. Low platelets and red count. Now taking Procrit. Also 35 radiation treatments to my mediasternim area. Having a cat scan next week to see what treatment will be next.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest LeoraeK

Well, the cat scan results were not what I expected. The tumor on my adrenal gland had not shrunk, but it had not grown in two months. So the doctors agreed on Taxotere, but could not have full dose because my blood counts were too low. So, only got 1/2 dose, Procrit and Neulasta. Have not been as sick this time - only very tired and nauseated. Hopefully in two weeks I can take a full dose and get rid of this dreaded cancer.

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