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Poll for Stage I, II, or IIIa NSCLC or Limited SCLC (Fatigue


Did you or your loved one experience Fatigue BEFORE DX  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Did you or your loved one experience Fatigue BEFORE DX

    • Yes, intermittantly (severe).
    • Yes, nearly every day (severe).
    • Yes, intermittantly (mild).
    • Yes, nearly every day (mild).
    • None that I can recall.

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I thank you all for helping me out!

Just as a reminder, these are for an article I am working on. Put any comments on a PM or add to this thread. You will remain annonymous.


Remember, you can answer for a loved one if you are a family member or caregiver.

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I had to answer "none"...as there was no particular fatigue that was without other cause. For one thing, I have chronic Epstein Barr/Fatigue syndrome...and for another, we were prepping this house for sale and I'd been working, cleaning and scrubbing my buns off! :?

So...if I was tired...it was for good reason, and not - I don't believe - at all related to my dx.

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Looking back to the year before DX, I did less and less around the house, and all of a sudden my house was overall filthy and I couldn't find the energy to clean it. It was very distressing. Once I started having the pain by my left breast, expecially when it became a constant thing, I would tell my co-workers: "this pain is so draining." Once they finally DX me, it begame evident why I was sooo tired all the time. Of course my house still isn't back to normal, but I am doing more all the time and I expect to get it back in order in the next couple months as my strength increases.

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