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Posts posted by ellakc2

  1. I finished my chemo 1/24/04 and ever since my appetite has changed. I used to have a great appetite and now I don't care if I eat I have to remember to eat. Has anyone else experienced this? I've talked to Dr.'s and no one seems to know. My health is fine.

  2. Don,

    I don't pretend to know how you feel, but I saw what my mom went through after 53 yrs. of a wonderful marriage. It's been 7 yrs for her now and she has ajusted. She will never be the same. Single was very hard for her also.

    Iam very sure Lucie is watching and taking care of you. My heart and prayers are with you. You have been a great support for so many people on this site. I hope we're doing the same for you, Don.

    Take care and be kind to yourself. Support groups can be a great help. Good luck to you!



  3. Don,

    Iam so sorry for you loss. I have not been on the site to much lately and had no idea. I was so shocked to read this. You are in my heart and prayers. Please take care and know you are in the thoughts of many!!



  4. Hey Joannie,

    I will be clean 3yrs on 9-15-06 and I still feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop or to build up my strength for another go around. It's always in the back of my mind. Should I be doing something or am I a wait duck also. And I feel like I have to do alot and get alot done with my family. (More so than usual)I guess this is part of being a survivor. I have never know anyone to survive stage III more than four yrs., so that's in the back of my mind also. Oh well I guess I should just thank heavens that I'm here.


  5. My girlfriend Jen's 5 yr. old daughter Julia is having brain surgery 8/15 @ Children's Hospital in

    Phila. Couldn't be in a better hospital. Please pray it's not cancer.



  6. Radiation burns have to do w/ skin type, how many treatments your having, where they are located and how strong they are. Good luck. Ask radiation onc. or your pharmacist and they can tell you what to use. I used over the counter burn treatment cream.

  7. It is addictive and come off of it slowly. I had physical and mental addiction. I cryed and had pins and needle feels in my hands. It took about one wk. But I think it would depend on how much you took per day.

  8. Hi Don,

    I had radiation to my chest in Nov 2003. I have a round scar on my back between my shoulder blades which is six inches in diameter. They blasted the crap out of me and it worked. I had stage III . So far so good. It was really hard , but I'm here and it was worth it. I tryed aloe and it helped alittle, but the burn cream I used was better, and I can't remember the name(ask onco radiologist) but oxicon helped the most.LOL . Good luck and take care.


  9. It was a great letter, but what THAT Dr. did does not surprise me one bit!!!!! When the going gets tough, they bale. NOT all but most. It's the exception to the rule that stay! Very sad.

    I had to back my fathers Dr. into a corner to tell my father he was terminal and at that he never truely said the word terminal. What's up with that? I would want to know the truth, but they stay with the theory of hope which is great and wonderful to a point. If you ask for the truth it should be brought to the table.

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