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Posts posted by barbara5452

  1. Now that the denial,crying and shock has worn off, Im angry, angry at my self and my doctors. After reading all post in this site, why was regular CT's not done on me ? Just a chest xray every few months. I blame myself as well as my doctors. So now here I am going for round two. Why was I not given the option of chemo the first time around as a precaution ? So many questions but only one answer THE BEAST IS BACK. The only positive thing is this time around I will make the calls, But where do I start, do I depend on and trust the same doctors or do I go on a search myself ? I want the best treatment out there do I go to a cancer treatment center or do I just go the a regular oncologist ? I need some guidance. I will be more assertive this time around....

  2. Good to hear that you are tolerating things well, It is looking as though I will be going through the same thing before long. It was very promising for me to hear you are doing well with treatments it makes it a little easier to face what I may be going through. Thanks so much for posted this.

    Best of luck to us ALL !

  3. Well I went for my follow of the Ct from last week,

    and I need help in getting my fighting gloves on. Right now Im at a standstill. Report impression: Right mediastinal mass is new from prior study dated

    9-4-04 and is most compatible with metastic disease. There are calcified lymph nodes in the hilar regions and a new noncalcified mass seen in mediastinum posterior to the superior vena cava. The mass measures 4.1 x 3.0 cm. Dr says he will schedule PET scan and needle biopsy if speciman cannot be obtained from needle biopsy I will have to have surgery. Lungs clear on CT, Dr says whatever type it is it appears early. Im not so sure it wasnt there this past July. Stayed home from work today cant face the world yet, Im shaking all over.

  4. So sorry for your loss, I have lost both my mom and dad and know what you are feeling. That is what makes what I am going through so difficult, no one to turn to. My dad passed 13 years ago and mom passed 2.5 years ago while I was going through my lung surgery, she had a long illness lasting 6 years. The last two of her life she was confined to a bed and my sister and I cared for her. I know when she finally passed it was sort of a releif for us because we had seen her suffer so much and we finally knew she was in a better place and not in any discomfort any longer. She was a amazing woman, the way she dealt with her illness, hospice had her a total of 3 times during that 6 years, she was just not ready to go, I only hope I can continue to cope like she did. Your nightmares I believe are just because you are unsure where mom is and if she's happy, I belive she is and you have to beleive she is. Tonight when you get ready to fall to sleep say a little prayer asking that comfort being giving to you for a restful sleep. Surprisingly it works I have had to do that myself. Mom will always be with you in spirit and she would not want you to grieve so that it caused you to take a toll on your own health. Just stop and think, would she want you to do that ? I'm speaking as a mother of a 24 and 17 year old, I would not want my kids to halt and grieve to the point of endangering thier own health. I know they would miss me as I would them but life goes on and as a mom I would want them to think of me often, but of good times, good memories, and to know we would one day meet again. I'm not sure if I help but I understand your sadness, and time will heal, say your little prayer today and drift asleep thinking of good things. My prayers are with you.

  5. Went for my CT this a.m. Family doctor called around 4:00 p.m no masses or nodules in the lungs but 1 nodule in mediastinum. Confused on this was, told it was the lymph node in between lungs, my worst fear recurrence, any one know what my next step will be. Family doctor said he would be talking to my surgeon the did my lobectomy in 9-04. Scared.... to death. Any one else had this type of nodule ? Also told it is bearing to the right, from what I've read that may be a positive thing as this could effect the heart.

  6. Robin, My mother had throat cancer and she was given magic mouthwash which seemed to help. Ask your doc or pharmacy to provide you with the ingredients you just swish it around (dont swallow) and spit it out. I cannot remember the ingredients but we mixed it in a small spray bottle and Mom she sprayed and swished as needed.

    Hope this helps....

  7. You have no ideal how much better you all have made me feel, I dont feel so alone, such encouragement it is wonderful, Im still depressed but getting the positive thoughts going again thanks to you all. CT has been scheduled for Tues the 2nd, Im trying to prepare for the worst but hoping for the best. Thanks to all of you......

  8. Went for my 4 month xray on the 26th met with doctor for follow up on 27th, chest xray reveals right upper lung lining slightly more promenent than prior film 4 months ago, also the reports states right mediastinal adenopathy cannot not be excluded. Dr says proberly a lymph node scheduled for CT next week. All the old feelings are back, DOOM, my life is at a stand still again, not sure how much more my mind can take, I have so much more to do and to give I'm so depressed again. The unknown, maybe it will be nothing but the close calls and scares are sometimes unbearable. Scared to death again....need words of hope...

  9. Thanks to everyone who replied to my "quilty" sneaking that smoke. I got lots of good advise and alot of support with that I will beat not having that next smoke. I have decided the next craving I have I will read all of your responses with that and all your prayers I will win this battle.

    You all are wonderful people, I'm so glad to know you and this site....

  10. quilt and lots of it, have I forgotten the fear? Or has stress gotten me where I am ? I thought I was stronger and could vear the devil the other direction. Yes after all I have been through my husband of age 48 may have cancer of the stomach and what do I do while we are waiting biopsy results, I light up a cigeratte. What is my problem thats what got me to where Im at. 2 weeks now awaiting the appt with the gastro doc for him to find out his results and I'm up to 3-5 cig aday for the past 2 weeks. I had not smoked since my surgery and here I am. I pray to God every night to help me find the strength to not smoke the next day, any words of advise ? Please pray with me that tomorrow I can face that Devil and walk away.....

  11. During my ordeal with lc I was introduced by my sister to a friend of hers named Alice who is a lc survivor. With all I was going through this lady brought such hope to me about be a survivor of lung cancer, she listened to me and she encouraged me not to give up. After my surgery she visited me and has kept a check on me. Today I learn she has been told she has another tumor on her lung. I ask that everyone pray for Alice for she is sure a angel in my eyes and I hope my and your prayers are heard in letting this be another survival story for her. She is a wonderful caring person and I feel so lucky to have her as my friend, she is one of those people who sees good in every situation.

    Please include her in your prayers......

  12. Hi Maryanne, the pain is more than you can imagne, I too took my pain meds sometimes alittle before it was time to try not to let the pain get me. Depressed, yep very much so for me, the fear of thinking you wont breathe right again is very depressing, I slept in a recliner for almost 4 weeks (not really sleep but dose off) between the pain, lack of sleep and not being able to breathe thats enough to depress anybody, Keep up with your encouraging words and tell you hubby to walk walk walk, that will help him the best, I can remember that during the first 3 weeks it took me 5 mins to get down the basement steps (12 steps) just because it hurt and I would get out of breath, now I running down them like I use to. There are still times I get short of breathe but everyday it gets better and better.

  13. so happy to hear your good news, simular to mine, it has been 3 months since my surgery upper right lobectomy and I too could not belive the pain but was told it would be terrible. Yes I agree could not imagne having to have further treatment although alot of others have had or are having treatment after surgery, my thoughts are with them. My best advise to you, walk walk walk, that is what will help you recover the quickest, I am now up to 2 miles aday and my right lung has expanded well according to my doctor.

    nsclc adenocarcinoma 2.5 cm nodule rt upper lobe

    surgery 9-27-04 right upper lobectomy

    ex smoker age 43

    no lymph involvement

    no futher treatment :) [/url][/code]

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