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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. Congratulations, Andrea -- you have made your 3000th post here. We appreciate your many contributions of support, info, caring, being a moderator and working with the cook book. Andrea has been with us over 3 years, supporting us all. Her mom is Stage 3 NSCLC and is an over 3-year survivor! NED! Thanks, Andrea, for all you do here to make this a great place for us all. Don

  2. I have had many premonitions over my lifetime. The one that stands out right now involves an older couple my wife was helping. The man had suffered several strokes and was not expected to live. Lucie was trying to help the woman make arrangements for the funeral in Jackson, Miss. The man went into Hospice on a Thursday and the same day, I saw a bargain list for an airline on the web. In the list was a cheap rate roundtrip to Jackson, Miss. I had an eerie feeling and told Lucie that I felt the man would die on Friday. He died Friday, and Lucie and his wife were able to get a decent fare to Jackson and back for the funeral. Don

  3. This site was an oasis in the desert of LC when I found it in late 2002. So much good information on the cutting edge, and so, so much love and support from the people for Lucie and myself.

    It is almost 7 months since Lucie died. I know in my heart that at some point I will need to move on with my life. Right now, I still have something to give to others and I love the many friendships I have made here. This is truly a site of angels. Don

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