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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. Welcome here! Sorry about your dad. My wife also was a nonsmoker who had Stage IV nonsmall cell lung cancer at diagnosis. Her prognosis (statistics only) was 9 months. She lived a full 4 years and had a productive life. So hang in there. Don

  2. I believe in telling kids the truth at their level of understanding. They can handle more than we give them credit for. And, besides, they know something bad is going on. Better to hear it from you or your mom than someon else. The kids are more secure in communication and truth, than in secret things going on. I would talk with them right away.

    "We are moving grandma downstairs because she is very sick and will be more comfortable down there. We hope and pray she will get better soon, but we don't know. I will tell you how she is doing. If you have any questions, let me know." For example. Don

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