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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. You are not horrible -- you are human. To be a primary caregiver of a lung cancer patient calls for superhuman tasks and emotions. It is the toughest job I know -- and I have walked in those shoes.

    You are angry because of the threat of losing him and because you are not shown appreciation for all you do. He is angry because he has LC and he lashes out at the closest thing -- you.

    You two have to decide if LC is going to kill your marriage or strengthen it. To strengthen it, you have to work together. You have to appreciate the predicament you are both in and do all you can to make whatever dyas, months, years you have good ones, as far as humanly possible. I had many shouting matches but they were not at my wife -- they were directed into the air. And she was okay with that. She had permission to cry (her mode) any time she wanted, and I could scream anytime I needed. But the screaming was not directed at her.

    You may have to call in others to help you with this. Each of you needs someone else you can talk with, to vent your emotions and frustrations, and keep you sane. Also, where you can, ask others to help you two with chores, breaks, driving to the doc, etc. You have to deliberately build in time for just relaxing and having fun.

    I wish you both well. It is a hard road, but it can be managed, if you are willing to work at it. Don

  2. Your husband has expressed he doesn't want to hear anything negative and I would respect his wishes. Prognosis in lung cancer is not often accurate and is a statistic, an average. Each individual is treated differently and reacts differently.

    My wife and I asked so we could put it behind us. The onc would not have told us otherwise. He said 9 months and she lived 4 years. So what does it gain you to her a statistic? It is best to think positively, fight the disease, live each day to the fullest and have hope and faith. That's my slant on it. Don

  3. We found that Lucie did better on eating if she ate small snacks or meals every two to three hours rather than 3 big meals a day. She ate more, it was easier on her and the nausea was less. Don

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