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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. Hang in there, Rochelle. You're doing the right thing in maintaining link to your brothers. All moms want that for their kids. A lot of what my kids and I do lately, we say with sincerity, "I'm doing this because Mom would want me to", especially about family things. Blessings. Don

  2. I have a theory that those who say, "Time heals all wounds" haven't really been there. I believe time will make it easier to function but we will always have the scars. I believe our loved ones who have gone on would want us to get on with our lives when we are ready. That doesn't mean to put their memories and our loss aside -- it just means adding back our "normal" things and loving those we do have. I try to be the best Don I can be in order to honor my parents who did do much for me in the short time I had them. That has made it bearable.

    I have lost two parents, a mother-in-law I loved much, an only sister, an only brother and a wife of 47 years. Yet, I am still going on and I don't forget any of them. There is a lot more for me to do here because I am still here. Don

  3. Hi, I am Don and I live in Houston, TX. I am retired from research chemistry, followed by massage therapy. I lost my wife of 47 years to nsclc last Sept., after she fought a 4-year battle. We have 2 sons and a daughter. One son is married and has 2 boys and 2 girls. One grandson has a daughter, so I am a great grandparent.

    Lucie was an artist and painted for a while but turned her talents to sewing and painting figures. We traveled a lot after the kids were gone. We were both active in our church and in outreach and both areas were very supportive in our own struggles.

    I have many friends, and one has been a friend for 32 years -- also a source of support. I have been on lchelp.com for over 4 years. Don

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