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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. I have been in a grief support group at church weekly since the week after Lucie died. So I have been in it almost 4 months. I find it very helpful, knowing there are others traveling the same road to recovery. And I am able to help them. It is normal to "tear up" when people are sharing the agony of their losses. I would suggest you give it a few more tries and then decide if it is for you. Don

  2. Playing "what if" is a losing and hurtful game. It cannot change anything and only prolongs the suffering. Your loved one would not want you to go through that. A book a counselor gave me on grief has a whole chapter on "You Did the Best You Could". I believe that, and I hope you will, too. Don

  3. It is not unusual after surgery and chemo for the patient to be very tired. The body is trying to recover from the assault. It is very important that your husband drink plenty of fluids and eat properly, so his body can recover. Try giving him small snacks every two to three hours rather than the usual 3 squares. I agree that the onc should be kept aware of his condition. Don

  4. This is not related to lung cancer, but it is related to my state of grief. Lucie died on Sept. 19 of last year. Two months later, just before Thanksgiving, my nephew's 15-year-old grandson committed suicide. They live in New Orleans, my hometown. It has been a horrendous struggle trying to get through both these events and on with life.

    I could not go home to New Orleans. I was petrified. Finally, I realized I needed to go home and was needed there. I spent this past weekend there with my relatives. It was very hard but very, very right for me to be there. While there, I was shown the devastated parts of New Orleans from Katrina. They are cleaned up a bit now but there is still a lot of loss. It was like seeing my history wiped out. But, it was time for me to experience it and face it.

    Right now, I am reeling from so many things that I find it very hard to respond here like I want to. So, I am still here, but probably more in the reading mode than in the responding mode. I do need your thoughts and prayers. You will be in mine. Don

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