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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. Barb, so sorry you have to deal with this as well. You did the best you could with what you knew at the time. Unfortunately, we never know the whole picture and other choices could also lead to dire results. It is a risk every time we make a decision. I hope you have someone you can talk with on a regular basis to air your feelings. That is needed to get you through all this. I hope things get better for you. Don

  2. Mets to the bones can occur very rapidly. That is where most of my wife's mets were. They could be dealt with both with radiation and chemo, but then others would pop up. So that could be normal. You might ask the onc about Zometa, which many patients take to strengthen the bones and help prevent further bone mets. Best to you. Don

  3. Heather, you ARE overwhelmed! Is there any way to get help? I am so sorry you have to go through so much as once. You need support from somewhere so you can take care of your own health. I have no quick fixes to suggest. Don

  4. I vote "normal", too. I realized recently that I was not feeling much and knew then I had anesthetised myself so that I was numb. It is a way of protection. I have moments when I will grieve and cry at the drop of a hat, and then others where I feel nothing. As you pointed out, too, I had 4 years to grieve and I think that pushes us further along, though we still grieve the death. You're okay. Don

  5. Yes, I had the same feeling about "Happy New Year". I thought, "Yeh, maybe for you, but for me, I'm not so sure". I just HNY'd them back and went on.

    Your mom needs to eat. Try small snacks two or three hours at a time. It may seem more doable for her, you'll get the calories down, and she will be less nauseated. Patients are notorious for not being hungry and nothing tasting right. You can't accept those excuses, and just keep encouraging her. Don

  6. Yes, it is normal with LC to be depressed, not want to eat and not want to do anything. That is why each patient needs someone who will keep encouraging them to do things, eat and drink, talk, etc. Your sister may need to try a different antidepressant. It varies with people. She needs to eat and drink regularly, snacks every two to three hours, and she needs to get interested in something to take her mind off 24/7 LC and to feel she is accomplishing something. Continue to encourage her. Don

  7. I am normally a very outgoing, party on extrovert. That is my nature. Since Lucie's death, there are many times, I just want to be by myself. I think it is much a part of the grieving process. Several in my grief support group have expressed the same. I think we do need time for ourselves.

    I did not realize how alone I was feeling until my son came home for Christmas and spent several days here in the house. It was so good to get to talk with someone on an ongoing basis. So, sometimes we need friends and family, and other times we need to be by ourselves. It's normal, and we should do what we need to do for ourselves when we need it. Blessings. Don

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