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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. Sue, I'm right there with you. I was wondering why I wasn't feeling much of anything and I realized the body has gone numb -- I guess, to protect me from all the pain. I'm hanging in there -- hang in there with me. Don

  2. My wife, Lucie, had severe arm and hand pain. That was how her lung cancer diagnosis was started. She had a large tumor on her spine, which caused this pain. You may want to ask your doctor about a scan of the upper spine and the arm, to be sure this is not tumor related. If it is tumor related, you might consider radiation to relieve the pain. Don

  3. The chemo worked and we were to have at least several more months together, without chemo, and where she could sew some more and just relax. But her heart gave out. What is that time compared to the 47 years plus we had together? She went peacefully, and I am grateful for that. Sorry you feel cheated. Don

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