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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. Ginny, you are close with your last 4. All five words have to have the same letters, just in different order. A friend of mine who loves anagrams pointed out that there are actually six words in the set I was thinking of, and gave me a new group of 5 as well. I'll let you know the answers later, when you have all had a chance to work on it. Don

  2. My wife had a port for almost 4 years, and really liked having it because her veins were small and hard to access. it is an outpatient operation -- really no down time. And it is placed under the skin. You have to be sure it is flushed with saline and heparin once a month when it is not being used, and it is a good idea to use it only for the chemo, to keep it clean. Don

  3. Funny! Actually, folks, I have been to Ireland and I have kissed the Blarney Stone. Lucie couldn't climb the steep narrow stairway to it, but they told us, too, she could kiss someone who had kissed it and it would count. So when I came down, I kissed her! Worked for us! Don

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