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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. Becky, your scenario was played out many times with Lucie, especially in places other than the chemo room. The lady who took blood in the chemo room knew what she was doing, and used butterfly successfully every time. We would tell the other people, just like you did, what needed to be done, and they still did it their way until they realized that wasn't going to work. Glad it wasn't just us. Don

  2. I have been retired 14 years now. My total career with Shell was as an applied research chemist. I enjoyed the research as well as working with people. The last three years before retirement, I worked in Head Office as a quality assurance representative for a line of products. It was a dream job for me -- my skills and experience fit the job, and I got to see a whole business operation. When Shell began to cut back, I took early retirement, so I could leave on a good note. Don

  3. People can be so insensitive. We ran into that all the time, and it made Lucie very mad. I would say, "Do you know how accusing that sounds?" And then they would respond, "Oh, I didn't mean that." But I wouldn't let them off the hook, so that the next time they are tempted to say that, they might think first.

    I also took the opportunity to educate them that up to 20% of people with lung cancer never smoked nor were raised in a house with smoke.

    My theory is if they can find an accuse for the disease then they can feel safe because they didn't smoke. I dispel that myth with pleasure. Don

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