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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. Adela, I know 9 years seems like not so much when compared with 47, but I am sure the 9 were packed with good times and golden memories. Remember that many on here lose their spouses in far less than 9 years. There is no fairness -- just "it is what it is". I wish you peace. Don

  2. Hey, Trish, and welcome. Thanks for letting us know about your brother. Your brother may have believed it wasn't as bad as it actually was. In any case, he didn't want to worry the family -- common reaction in patients with cancer.

    Unfortunately, lung cancer is very unpredictable. It can flare up at any point or it can go dormant. Sorry your brother didn't have more chance to fight it. Take care. Don

  3. Tanner, welcome here. My heart aches for you, guy. I have walked in your shoes, but you and your wife are much younger. My wife had Stage IV NSCLC with mets to spine, hip, skull, leg bone and rib. her first chemo was carboplatin/taxotere, similar to your wife's treatment. She also had radiation to the spine, hip and leg bone. She was given 9 months, but she lived a good life for 4 years. Most of that time, she was on some type of chemo. I wish you all the best. Please keep us informed and ask for what you need. Don

  4. Your sons are indeed blessings. Good for your son in his response -- sounds like my kind of guy. Actually, in my grief support group, we frequently laugh -- i think it is because we understand each other, just as your son understands you and the situation. It is good to laugh, even in pain. Blessings for 2007. Don

  5. Well, it is over and we made it. On Christmas, my younger son and I went to my daughter's and the three of us had a quiet lunch with presents exchange. We got in a good relaxing visit, although the day was bland.

    On Tuesday, the three of us joined my older and married son and his family for a Christmas dinner and gift exchange. It was nice all being together with each other. I was pleased to be among my family. I'm thankful for many blessings and I'm ready to move on to 2007. Don

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