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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. I believe your husband should know the facts, so he can decide what he wants to do. That decision is ultimately the patient's to make. No one can set a definite time line for an individual, not even the onc. But I go with looking at it as a chronic disease and go from there. I believe in making whatever time there is a quality time, as best as one can. Don

  2. Thanks for the opportunity. Lucie and I were married for 47 years. We started out in New Orleans, lived in Detroit, then Houston, then San Francisco, then Houston, then Baton Rouge, then Houston for the past 32 years. We started a family and the same time I started graduate school, We have two sons and a daughter, and four grandchildren.

    A magical moment (there were many) that I recall most is the realization after Lucie's diagnosis that the cancer had caused us to move to a deeper love than we had ever known.

    Lucie was an artist, and painted for a while, but her real artistic love was sewing. She had a real eye for color and texture and what goes together. It was wonderful watching her put a quilt together. She even taught me a few things about color and such.

    She was and is the light of my life. And we raised a family full of love and service to others. I am truly blessed. Don

  3. I would be lost without humor. It saved us many times from deep depression by being able to laugh at our state of affairs. We, too, brought humor to the oncologist. It is part of my nature. Don

  4. Well, am I a lucky guy or what? My daughter called me a week ago and asked me if I had plans for this Sunday afternoon. I said I didn't. She said, "Well, now you do! My Christmas present to you is to take you on a surprise for the afternoon." Well, I was thrilled that we would be doing something together and pleased that she was getting into the Christmas spirit with her gift. And I was going to get a surprise!

    Well, she took me downtown to a Christmas concert by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra! The music was fantastic (a blend of orchestra and rock and roll) and the light show was fantastic as well. We both had a good time. And then I treated her to dinner on the way home. It HAS been a good day. Am I blessed or what? Don

  5. My daughter's birthday was 5 days after Lucie died. I gave her Lucie's engagement ring whose stone was my mother's. My only daughter is named for her two grandmothers.

    Some time ago, I had given Lucie a diamond solitaire pendant, which she wore all the time. I am going to give that to my daughter for Christmas.

    About 14 years ago, after we had been married 33 years, I gave Lucie an anniversary ring -- not for our anniversary but for that Christmas. She wore it all the time. I have given the ring to my married son, and he is having it resized to give his wife for Christmas.

    The picture I use here is a portrait Lucie and I had made last January. All of our children and grandchildren will get a copy of it for Christmas.

    I feel that Lucie, through all this, will be very much a part of this Christmas, and it helps me get through it better. I hope it will be good for my kids.

    As my spirits have lifted, I went to the mall for the first time in a long time, strolled the whole place, and bought myself some sport shirts. Whoo Hoo and Ho Ho Ho! OK. So that was a little faked, but I am feeling better about Christmas. Don

  6. Well, our dear Nushka, aka Nina, has posted her 3000th message here and it almost got by me. Nina is a 4-year survivor of NSCLC and is presently NED. She had been on this board for 3 years, giving such great support to all of us here. Thank you so much, Nina, for your quiet but strong input to inform and care for us. Congratulations, and we look forward to many more posts. Blessings. Don

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