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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. One of the main tumors Lucie had was on her upper spine. In fact, that is how the cancer was discovered because it was causing her left arm and hand to not function at full capacity.

    She was treated with radiation on the tumor to diminish the pain and to prevent any further damage to the spine. It worked. She never had any further damage or loss of function and could walk and bathe herself through the whole ordeal.

    She had to take 30mg morphine twice a day for the whole time because of the pain from the spinal damage. But she had a reasonable life.

    I hope they can do something for your mom. Don

  2. No argument from me, dear Peggy. As Jackie says, "Love never dies." Lucie's love is forever, even though we are separated. Her love is getting me through all this, as I know she would want me to. Blessings. Don

  3. I have been pretty good about taking care of myself -- doing or not doing what I feel I need for me. I am in a grief group and they have gone over these points as well. I have a small book on grief and the most impactful chapter was titled "I Did the Best I Could". That really helped. The major thing is the support of so many who care. Don

  4. Have never had lights on the outside of the house, although we talked about it. Had lights on the tree until early 1970's. A neighbor's tree caught fire from lights and ever since, Lucie didn't want lights on the tree. So we have been pretty much "lightless" in our Christmases. Lots of other decorations, though. This year, I am keeping it simple. Don

  5. Added weight could definitely affect breathing. Don't be too hard on your husband for trying to protect you. I understand his ways -- he didn't want to alarm you until there was something concrete to say. I did that with Lucie about my own health. You can do this -- you can give him all the support he needs, whatever the outcome. Prayers for you both. Don

  6. Sounds like great news. I could understand continuing chemo because you want to be sure all the cancer is gone, including that which you cannot yet see. I don't understand radiation treatment, which is specific to a spot and, as you say, there is nothing to aim at. Don

  7. Believing we have troubles because God is punishing us is a very ancient belief that I don't buy into. It is hard not to feel that way, though. You still have options, so don't throw in the towel yet. Sorry you have this to contend with. Don

  8. It is very normal when you have a parent with life-threatening disease that you grieve the loss of that parent, but also grieve for yourself that it may be in the genes and you are marked. I know you are not alone in this. Don

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