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Don Wood

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Posts posted by Don Wood

  1. You are still very early in your grieving. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Good move to seek outside help. I moved right into a grief group that helped me immensely. Blessings. Don

  2. Yes, Val, I can understand. My father died when I was 23 and my mother died a year later. It was before I was married. So my life with my parents was completely separate from my life with Lucie and my own family. When I married Lucie, I gained a mother-in-law who was like a second mother to me and I had her in my life for 34 years. (Lucie's dad died when she was 16.) So I can see short range and long range parent loss.

    It has been hard for me to understand the deep grief I see when others lose parents after having them in their lives for a good time. I tend to think, "But you had them for so many years with so much life. I would love to have had that kind of time." But I have come to understand their view that their parents were in their lives for so long, it leaves a very big hole. So, we all need to grieve no matter when our parents leave us. It is a dramatic change, no matter when. Don

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