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Posts posted by Michele

  1. Hello everybody! It has been 9 week post op vats surgery lower lobe removed stage 1 Aden no nodes clean margins .I thank god every day and feel very lucky I also feel great since I don't smoke any more. I just wish I could feel safe. Like today I had a minor pain under ribs out of no where and the first thing I thought of was hope I'm not having recurrence. Last week it was a different pain .the fear of cancer is horrible. Especially since I'm pretty much cured.will the fear and deep down depression ever go away or does it stay with u until your past your 5 year mark.? I'm back to work I am a stylist. Barber. Has any one caught a cold after surgery? I try not to think about it but it feels like its a deep rooted thought.my scan after surgery is in June.. Thank you for listening. Good night

  2. Molly ;I liked to know if you had vats surgery? And your surgery was only 3 weeks ago right? You have to get stronger and recover first before u get chemo right? I had vats surgery  lower right lobe stage one Aden.clean margins and no lymph nodes involved. I am so thankful. But its been only 6 weeks and my incisions are still sore and when I sneeze I can tell I'm not yet healed inside. I couldn't imagine having to have chemo yet until I would be stronger mentally and physically. It is good to learn everything about cancer and treatments but its also important to recover first with no worries so u can heal.I'm cancer free right now but there is always going to be the fear of it coming back but I still have to heal now and not worry about what could happen. I wish you and everybody the best. And my favorite saying that I learned from Tom is STAY THE COURSE.. God bless!

  3. Hello this is Michele.I had my surgery DEC 14 vats lower lobe.stayed in hospital 4 days. I have nsc adenacarcomo. Stage 1 but further report has not come back yet. Im actually recovering well.having no breathing issues walked for 30 min today and the only part of me that was tired was my legs I felt I over did it. I went today for xray which they said was good. I had a problem when the surgeon assistant took out my stitches were the chest tube was which did hurt but he put Sterle strip on said OK your good to go and when I got up fluid poured all over my pants and puddle on floor. Of course it freiked me out he came back in with string full of glue and glued and bandaged me up. Now its a little uncomfortable; I hope its OK. I go back in 2 weeks for report on pathology and follow up. Each day has been different tomorrow should be better. Thanks for listening and Merry Christmas!

  4. I do not know my diagnosis yet surgery is DEC 14 but if I do have stage one everyone says u treated it early don't worry. I'm trying to be positive but it sounds like once u get cancer it will recur.I'm trying to stay the course but it feels like a nitemare .you all are so strong minded I give u a lot of credit! Thanks for listening.  Michele

  5. Hi Bridget glad to hear you are doing well with your recovery !that's encouraging. My surgery is DEC 14 if I have cancer its most likely stage one. Lower lobe. I guess I won't know until I wake up. Thank you for asking I'll let you all know how I'm doing.   Michele.

  6. Well I'm finally going to have surgery in ten days to find out if it is cancer and what kind it is.vats surgery. Thank god for getting anti depressants other wise I wouldn't be able to handle all this. This is quite personal but has anybody have this surgery who has implants if so did they rupture? Just another thing I have to worry about.

  7. Hello everybody; thank you for responding! Well I have stage 1 non small cell andacarsomona(sp?) Right lower lobe 2cm I believe. With the beginning of empsena (spelling is off). The problem is I have to go to VA hospital for everything and it takes forever for appointments or information.I'm waiting for a appointment to talk to surgeon for his plan.  I was told if I don't hear from them by DEC 1 to call my primary doctor. I'm really worried that by the time they see me or get things going things can change. With all the rumors of the VA u just wonder.my anxiety level is way up so I went to a clinic for anxiety pills.I don't know if this VA does vats surgery.both my parents died of lung cancer so my risks are high.I wish I knew more but I don't.

  8. Hello I am new to this site. Last year I was told I had lung cancer with a pet scan and catscan.when it was time to talk to surgeon he said it was not cancer it was inflammation we will watch it. I left bewildered but happy.  Each last 2 scans showed no change so I walked around sured that I had no cancer. I just had my third scan and I got the horrible call that it got bigger.the surgeon will call to see you. My world has turned upside down. The first time I told people and they kind of avoided me plus i lost a job. Now I just started a new jib can't say anything and don't want to tell anybody either.I feel all alone on this journey. My anxiety is so high and my depression feels hopeless scared sad .I don't know what kind of questions I should have for doctors or what to expect. Nscl stage one. With slight emphemsena (sp?) That's why I came on this site

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