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Posts posted by jorja

  1. Joanie,

    Please don't worry! I am praying for you. When I start to pray for my dad to have clean scans in september I always think of you because you give me hope. You have to be strong..you have made it this far! Just know that i am thinking of you and that you are an inspiration to many people on this board (especially to me).


  2. I was just wondering where everyones tumor was located. This might be silly but I was just wondering...my dad's was originally in his right lung but it was at the back of the lung. I guess I always pictured tumors to be at the front.


  3. I just wanted to post some good news. My dad went to see the onc. yesterday and he said that everything is great! My dad is feeling better. He doesn't have to go back until september! He has been on oxygen the last couple of months but now he can go for hours off of it. He is slowly recovering.

    For those who are suffering from this dreadful disease or have a loved one that is going through treatments....you just have to be positive and stay strong.

    Although I am not on here very much I think and pray about all of you everyday.


  4. Hi

    Like others have already have told you there is a lot of support here. My dad was diagnosed last august with limited small cell. Although there are lots of downs you need to stay positive! My dad right now is doing really well. The radiation got the tumor. So right now we are just thankful and praying that everything just stays the way they are. (cross your fingers, next week he goes for tests)


  5. I am soooo sorry you are going through this with your dad. My dad has SCLC and it is really hard to see him sick so I know exactly what you are going through. Back in November when my dad was dehydrated from radiation a nurse came and put him on an IV for the week. That seemed to have made him feel better. Also my dad drinks Ensure a couple of times a day. You should try that and make him drink it. My mom has forced my dad to drink it when he didn't want to and now he drinks it because he knows it is good for him.

    I will be thinking and praying for you and your family,


  6. Last week my mom took my dad to the oncologist for a blood test. The good news is that there is no sign of the cancer and he doesn't go back for another 2 months. My dad's lung collapsed about 1 month ago and he had a chest tube inserted. He is at home now but he is still coughing and when he starts moving he is out of breathe. He has an oxygen tank at home and wears it only when he starts moving. His oncologist told my parents that he has emphysema! We were NEVER told this before and he told my parents that "everyone that smokes gets emphysema" Why were we not told this before? Anyway, I've seen a lot of posts about prednisone....Can you please tell me about this and what it does??

    Also, near the end of Feb. he had radiation pneumonitis.

    Please help,


  7. I was just wondering for those of you who have radiation fibrosis, are you on oxygen? My dad has fibrosis and needs oxygen when he starts walking or climbing stairs. He is okay when he sits still. I just want to know your experiences with this.



  8. Thank you again to everyone for their responses....

    When my dad was discharged from the hospital, I saw his papers and it there was mention of fibrosis. All the search I've done doesn't sound very reassuring. He is on oxygen right now because when he walks around his oxygen level goes down...when he is sitting it is fine. I realize that this will take a while to heal but how long....he is still coughing. He was not given any steroids so maybe this is something i should ask the doctor about?!

    Thanks again everyone,

    you are in my thoughts everyday....



  9. For those of you who've had radiation pneumonitis, can you please tell me what your symptoms were? How long did it take to recover? What other complications did you have? I would really love to hear responses because my dad seems to have had this for close to a month. Is this normal? I am really scared......

    He still does not have an appetite....is this normal? or should we be worried........


  10. Hi there,

    About 3 weeks ago my dad was admitted to the hospital because he had a fever and had trouble breathing. It ended up being radiation pneumonitis (like pneumonia). Is your mother coughing a lot? My dad was. Be careful because my dad is back in the hospital because his lung collapsed due to the coughing. Don't worry. The doctors have told me that this is quite common......

    Hang in there,


  11. Thank you for all of your wonderful words!!

    I just got back from taking my dad to the hospital. It ends up he has radiation pneumonitis and pneumorthorax (sp?) which can be potentially dangerous. My dad's oncologist says this happend because he had pneumonia and all the coughing that he had has caused his lungs to release air. So right now there are tubes in his chest cavity that will release the air. (cross your fingers) The doctor says he has a bit of emphysema in his lungs....is that bad? Anyways, we are all VERY thankful that the tumor is gone!

    I will be praying for all of you too! If we just got good news there is always hope for everyone!!!


  12. Hi Everyone,

    I don't know if you all know about my dad. My dad is 75 and last august he was diagnosed with SCLC in his right lung. He finished 6 rounds of chemo in feb and radiation in nov. There were complications with the radiation (couldn't eat or drink). About 3 weeks ago we took him to the ER because he had a fever and shortness of breathe. He was on antibiotics (2 of them) and on oxygen. They figured it was pneumonia After being in the hospital for almost 2 weeks he finally came home but was still on oxygen. Today we took him to get his CT scan done (which is out of town) and when we came home the oncologist called! I was so scared! The radiologist had called him to let him know that my dad had "air" outside of his lungs which is causing his shortness of breathe. he also said there was NO Tumour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are all so relieved. We take him to the hospital tomorrow morning so they can take a closer look at this "air" that is outside of the lungs! I hope they can remove it because he has no appetite or energy!

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    Thanks for listening,


  13. Hi Everyone,

    I don't know if you all know about my dad. My dad is 75 and last august he was diagnosed with SCLC in his right lung. He finished 6 rounds of chemo in feb and radiation in nov. There were complications with the radiation (couldn't eat or drink). About 3 weeks ago we took him to the ER because he had a fever and shortness of breathe. He was on antibiotics (2 of them) and on oxygen. They figured it was pneumonia After being in the hospital for almost 2 weeks he finally came home but was still on oxygen. Today we took him to get his CT scan done (which is out of town) and when we came home the oncologist called! I was so scared! The radiologist had called him to let him know that my dad had "air" outside of his lungs which is causing his shortness of breathe. he also said there was NO Tumour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are all so relieved. We take him to the hospital tomorrow morning so they can take a closer look at this "air" that is outside of the lungs! I hope they can remove it because he has no appetite or energy!

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    Thanks for listening,


  14. My dad just came home from the hospital yesterday after being in there for about 12 days. The doctors figured he had a lung infection due to the radiation he had back in november. He is at home now with an oxygen machine and last night when he went upstairs to bed he was out of breathe! This is very scary. He goes for a CAT scan next week. He has finished 6 rounds of chemo in Feb. He's had x-rays taken while he was in the hospital and the last one showed that everything was stable. I know that x-rays don't show a whole lot but can anyone tell me if they have gone through this and how long it took to recover? My dad also has a cough. It usually starts when he starts talking or eating. He doesn't have that much of an appetite either. Oh, the doctor also said there was a bit of a pleural effusion that showed on the x-ray.

    Your experiences shared would be greatly appreciated!!!


  15. Thank you for all of your comments and experiences. My dad doesn't have a fever anymore. It was only for a few days before he went into the hospital. He has a chest x-ray done every other day and the doctor says it looks "a little" better. My dad is slowly recovering. I brought him pizza last night and he ate a slice. On the weekend he was horrible. He would not even look at food! He is on 2 kinds of antibiotics...one is aveloex (sp?) and I can't remember the other one. Do anitibiotics make you "out of it?" because over the weekend it seemed he was forgetting things like, who came to see him the day before.

    Thank you again,


    I am praying for everyone.....

  16. Hello everyone,

    I told everyone that my dad was admitted into the hospital last friday. Well he is still there. He was short of breathe and he also had fever. Now he is feeling a bit better but the doctors are convinced he has pneumonia. He's had 2 chest x-rays which show some "cloudiness" but thank goodness they don't mention a Mass being there like there was before he had treatment. His family doctor ordered a CAT scan but they refused until they heard from his oncologist! My doctor is very mad because the hospital refused the scan!

    My dad is starting to feel a tiny bit better but he is still tired and doesn't have that much of an appetite. He finished his last chemo almost a month ago. My brother was doing some research and came across "radiation pnemenitis" (sp?) Has anyone heard of this before? My dad has all the things associated with this.

    Any comments would be appreciated!!!



  17. On Friday we took my dad to the ER because he was short of breathe. I mentioned last week that he had fevers but not anymore. It is truely awful to see him like this. He is very short of breathe and he doesn't even talk to my family. The doctors think it might be a lung infection but we will learn more probably today. I talked to an on-call onc. on saturday and he said it most likely is an infection. My dad won't eat. He says it is painful to eat. He had an xray taken when he went in and they saw a shadow where his tumor is/was. I'm really scared. He is on 2 kinds of antibiotics but if they don't work they said it is the cancer. What does that mean? Does he have to suffer? Please let me know what you guys think?


  18. Last week my dad went to his family doctor and gave him some antibiotics because he has a cold/flu. I am not at home right now...my mom says he hasn't had a fever in a few days.....My mom is sick now (caught the cold).

    Thank you for your replies....they make me feel better.


  19. hi everyone,

    Can anyone please tell me what they felt like at the end of their chemo session? My dad had his last chemo a few weeks ago and now he is feeling worse. He's had high fever and he doesn't feel like doing anything. Is this normal? His other chemo sessions were not this bad.

    Very worried,


  20. Thank you to those who replied....it is nice to have somewhere to go where others understand. It is really hard for me to see my dad go through this. Like I said before he is 75 years old and he looks pretty good. It makes me sad to think about that he might not be able to see me get married one day (I am 27).

    I think and pray about you all everyday!


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