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Posts posted by flacrakr

  1. Having lived in South Fla from '72 to '98 I am familiar with hurricanes. I was involved in the restoration of South Dade after Hurricane Andrew. It looked like what I always thought a nuclear war would look like. I've had 4 hurricanes go over my house (3 last year) All were Category 1. After David in '79, I made sure I evacuated when the authorities mandated it. There was no way I would stay if there was a chance that a Cat 3, 4, or 5 would hit. Katrina has affected a huge area; this is unprecedented. Watching it on TV last weekend, it looked like the 'perfect storm'.

    New Orleans and the Gulf Coatst were all under a mandatory evacuation. The reason why that order was given was because the authorities knew that it would be a logistical and physical impossibility to get rescue efforts underway quickly. Unfortunately, many people chose to ignore that mandatory evacuation order.

    Our government is a cumbersome bureaucracy. It takes time to mobilize, and secure staging areas. Could the rescue efforts been accomplished faster? Probably. But sometimes the bureaucracy gets in the way. Florida had several hundred airboats prepared to go into La to help with search and rescue but FEMA would not allow them in until the situation was stabilized. It was not safe for just anyone to mosey around the metropolitan area.

    You can still see evidence of destruction in South Dade 13 yrs after Andrew. Punta Gorda isn't even close to rebuilding a year after Charlie. New Orleans and the Gulf Coast will be forever changed. It will be years before New Orleans will even come close to looking 'normal'. My prayers are with all those affected by Katrina; both victims and those involved with the rescue and restoration of the area.

  2. Lorrie and Gary;

    Chemo did a number on me, too. What with the fatigue and the bone ache; it was all I could do to drag myself to work each day. Thank goodness I had a pretty soft job.

    I got chemo every 5 weeks. The week after was the worst. Then I'd feel progressively better. Just about the time I felt almost 'normal', it was time for chemo again....

    It took a couple of months to really get over it, but today I feel pretty darn good. I'll do it again if and when I need to.

    Good luck and prayers on Gary's treatments going as smoothly as possible.

  3. Or .... you could bring Suki to Fla ( it's only 94-95 here these days) ... take my place at work ... and let ME take a vacation.

    j/k Have a fun, relaxing, peaceful, anxiety-free holiday weekend. You will come back renewed, refreshed, and ready to tackle anything that comes along.

  4. To all and Sundry:


    Thank you for posting. I've missed your posts. I've looked through the member list, though, and I have yet to locate a member named Sundry.

    Have a great time on the cruise, and I look forward to reading about it. Your posts are probably as close to the Pacific Northwest as I'm ever going to get.

  5. Stable. That's a term I would never have believed applied to me.

    Saw my onc. today. The cancer is still contained. Nothing outside the lung.

    My onc. is perplexed. The cancer is sitting there; not doin' nuttin. It's like he wants to poke it with a stick or something to make it do 'something.' He's reluctant to start any kind of treatment. My former onc. wanted to keep me on the taxol/carbo. Not my idea of quality living.

    So he's going to the weekly meeting of all the oncs with all my films, scans, etc, and they're going to brainstorm a treatment plan for me .... or decide to keep on waiting and watching. I go back in a month.

    In the meantime, I'm not planning on dying this year, so I'll start making plans for Christmas and New Years.

    Grateful for all of you here,


  6. I went through the same chemo regimen as Gary. The blood counts dropped lower after every session. At my 3rd treatment the nurse was going on and on concerning the 'stay away froms' Most were on your list but I didn't see money mentioned on your post. Yep, tell Gary not to handle any money!!! It's covered with germs. You'll have to handle the money and go to the mall by yourself too. :) I didn't know about the meats. But I probably didn't read everything they gave me. Besides, my tastes changed while this was going on, and I had cravings for foods that I rarely ate before and not so much after either.

    Despite the low blood counts, a couple of times needing neuprogen to boost the white counts, I made it through the chemo without missing a day of work except for the chemo day itself, which lasted from 6 to 8 hours. Tell Gary to hang in there, it gets better on the other side of all this.

  7. Addie:

    My alarm went off at 5 am because I had an early tee time and the guy I play golf with HAS to eat breakfast before playing. I neglected to go to the site as it seems lately that it is down for maintenance at that time of morning.

    Hoping and praying that the sleep schedule adjust itself to give you a good night's restful sleep.

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