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Posts posted by flacrakr

  1. I became a cancer survivor the moment I quit being a 'victim.' When first told that I had lung cancer, I was stunned, shocked, and speechless; unable to think anything other than 'I'm a dead man.' That lasted a few days. Then I got angry. I watched both parents die from cancer. I promised my son; I will not lie down for this disease.

    Becky put it so well ... Life goes on. And I'm going to be a part of Life. Cancer can be a wake up call, if I will, to focus on parts of my life that are truly important to me. My family and friends, my spiritual health, my eating habits have changed immensely. And my career became just a means to pay for greens fees. (my picture is me standing on the 18th tee at Pebble Beach)

    Only One knows the day and time of my coming home ... and until that day and time arrives, I do more than survive; I live!

  2. Thank you everyone for your replies.

    After posting my query, I had a brilliant idea. :D Why not google COBRA? As a few had already said: if I'm disabled, I get an 11 month extension. And if I die, my spouse and dependents get an 18 month extension.

    I'm not ready for the disabled route just yet. I'm still working (and boy, is it ever hot here in Orlando!) And I sure as heck am not ready to die!! That's not an option as I have no spouse or dependents to insure anyway. :?

    I found out the name of the federal mandate that the insurance man was telling me about. HIPPA It allows people who have been insured without a break in insurance of more than 90 days to get health insurance without the pre-existing condition exclusion. It's pricey, though.

    Thank you Charlie and Frank for the VA information. I really need to take the time to pursue this avenue. I stopped in at the VA Hospital here when I first got out of the hospital last Sept. They told me then that there were appeal processes I could pursue. I then started back to work, and with work, treatment, etc, the VA went on the back burner. Time to move it to the front burner.

    Thanks again.

  3. In March, 2004, I changed employers. My new employer didn't offer health insurance, so I carried the health insurance from my ex-employer via COBRA. This insurance is due to expire on September 15th. As this date approaches, my anxiety level rises. I'm starting to feel panic. I've talked to an insurance salesman who can insure me through some federally mandated program. The cost is more than double (about $600/month) I'm meeting with him on Tuesday to go over the plan; spending caps, pre-existing conditions, etc. As long as I'm working, I can handle the premium. But, of course, my fear is telling me that if and when I'm no longer able to work, I'm uninsured.

    Can anyone help me with the options available concerning health insurance for people diagnosed with cancer? Both my parents died from cancer, but they were old enough to qualify for Medicare. My Dad was treated throught the VA. Unfortunately, the VA doesn't take ALL vets anymore. When I applied for VA care, I was declined because I made too much money. Apparently, if you make more than $4.25 / hour, you're rich by VA standards.

    I appreciate any feedback you can give me.

  4. Welcome Donna:

    Like you, I felt as if my life was over the day they told me I had LC. Then my instinct of self-survival kicked in. I told my son that I wasn't going to lie down for this disease.

    Also dx'd as III-B, and inoperable, I went through the chemo and radiation. I never missed a day at work, although it felt like I was dragging a couple of hundred pounds of dead weight. My energy started returning once chemo was finished. The treatments knocked the cancer out of the lympth node and has stablized the lung tumor.

    Bottom line ... my life is not over; it's just changed. I've gotten a tremendous amount of hope from the experiences of everyone on this web site. I pray you do too.

  5. My prayers are with you both. And I pray your onc. is guided in the right direction for Brian's treatment. I don't know if another opinion is possible, but sometimes our doctors are wrong in their observations and guesstimates. I recently switched oncs. I'm sure my 1st one was competent; I just didn't feel like he was paying close attention to my case.

    Hoping Brian gets through this in good shape.

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