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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Hi Joe. Glad you found us. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I remember when I was told I had lung cancer, I was devastated. The treatment of chemo, radiation, surgery and more chemo was really hard to go through but- because I went through it and responded well I am here today. As Tom said I have "NED" ,no evidence of disease. Let us know what you decide. I hope you take conventional treatment and down the road you get to walk your girls down the isle on there wedding days. Keep us posted. Donna G
  2. So glad they found that lung Cancer with the tests. I had the same chemo ! VP 16 is Etoposide. , Along with that the Cisplatin and daily radiation M-F for 6 weeks. Then surgery , then more of that chemo. I pray your tumor responds as well as mine. Keep us posted. Donna G
  3. Hello Lee Welcome. I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. Did they find the lung cancer because of testing they did for the pelvic tumor? You sound as if a plan has already been set for Chemo and radiation? I started with that treatment. Mine was tough. It was worth it. I am still here. Please let us know an update. How you tolerate the treatment has a lot to do with which drugs they use and what type of radiation. I had radiation daily for weeks. My friend this year only needed 4 days with the latest type. Keep us posted. Donna G
  4. So to hear about your Dad. I live in Minnesota now but I have lived twice in Gautier , Ms and also twice in La. I saw all those casinos being built. I am glad he is seeing an Onocologist and hopefully a social worker to get some coverage and begin treatment quickly. Having lung cancer is bothe physically and emotionally challenging. I hope you can be with him through this. It can be very important to have someone go with you to appointments and take notes. When your upset you can not remember everything. Also the treatments can have side affects that may make it wise not to drive. There is lots of info on this site, Please keep us posted on how he is doing. He may respond well to the treatment, I pray this will be. Donna G
  5. Hi Big Mike. Where are you being treated? I am here in Minnesota also. Boy it has been a great Fall. Great weather for being outside. Hope we have the mild winter they predict. Are you having any symtoms? How did they find it? Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  6. Christine I am so sorry. It must be horrible to be so far away. I am glad at least he had images done that let them see that tumor. So many go so long with symtoms of pneumonia but finally they find out it was Cancer and it has spread all over ! The biopsy will give more info . Many people respond well to chemo or combined with Radiation. Let us know what they find and decide. Best wishes. Donna G
  7. Congradulations ! We are so happy you are a survivor and are here with us. Donna G
  8. Welcome. I think you may have read my story under the post "10 year survivor". I am a Stage 3B and am a survivor since December 1997 ! Please keep us posted. Donna G
  9. Hello. Welcome to our group. Wow, you are still working full time? Glad to hear you are in a clinical trial. Cyber knife is such a good treatment. Glad to hear it was a success on the brain mets. Hip surgery on top of all the rest ! A couple of years ago I broke the head of my femur off at the hip and had surgery, it took a while to get "back on my feet" and recover. That also was long after I was treated for lung cancer. Yours you say was during your treatment , again WOW.! Keep us posted . Donna G
  10. Welcome Sherie. Glad you found us. Glad you found a Doctor that was very good and careful meeting you and examining you. Very very glad he got your treatment started too! Hope you respond as well as I did. I was Stage 3B. I am still here typing to you. Keep us posted. Donna G
  11. Early is good ! Hope you get a plan of care quickly. Let us know how it is going. Donna G
  12. Let's have a Party !!!!!!!!!!! I am also a Pancoast Tumor survivor. I was diagnosed in 1997 with Stage 3 B.. Soon to celebrate 18 years of survival !!!! We had the same chemo and radiation. I did end up able to have surgery, then had more chemo after. Let the Party begin ! Donna G
  13. Hello , Welcome to Lungevity. I have survived lung cancer. The first year I was diagnosed I went to a local lung cancer support group in St. Paul , Minnesota. I really needed that support group. There I met Janet. She had SCLC and was going through radiation and chemo . Fast forward from 1998--------- My old friend Janet and I are still friends, she sends me cute emails and jokes frequently. I hope we get to go out for lunch soon. I pray that you get a great response to your treatment too! Keep us posted. Donna G Also, I just was telling a friend about a trip to England I made with my husband in March one year. I have Irish blood. That year on March 17 I went to St. Patricks Church and found out St. Patrick was English. No one had ever told me the story until I was in London.
  14. Hello Beth What sad news about your Dad. Has he got any treatment planned? Glad you came back to us. Keep us updated. Donna G
  15. I hope you have had your follow up appointment. Looking to see what they doctor said and hear how you are doing. Donna G
  16. Hello Bob . So sad, more cancer. In 2007 and 2009 they did biopsies It has been 6 yrs since then. Wow. Now more cancer. Are they sure it is lung cancer again in your spine, pelvis and femur? I guess they will know for sure when they get your biopsy results in a couple of weeks. Please keep us posted , Donna G
  17. I had Cisplatin as one of my Chemo drugs, for about 6 weeks before I had surgery and repeated again after I had surgery. One day walking the dog I fell stepping from the paved path to the grass. Weird ! It turned out I had gotten neuropathy damage. The nerve damage caused my feet to think the change of pavement to grass was like falling off a cliff. I generally don't "fall" down like that but my feet really don't know how to interpret changes anymore. If a piece of sand gets in my shoe, my feet panic and think send messages to my brain that I have maybe a piece of " glass" in my shoe. Believe me I never wear high heels anymore. I wear the same Schuler shoes all the time, maybe a different color. The good news is I am still alive many years later. Donna
  18. Glad you found this site. Welcome. What a week! Back in 1997 I went to the Dr. with pain in my chest and down my arm. I remember well how shocked I was to find out I had a tumor in the apex of my lung pressing on the nerves going down my arm and also onto my chest wall. You have very young children. I had daily radiation for weeks but also 2 chemo drugs too. They tattooed 2 dots on my chest to help aim the radiation. I never got a burn from it. Let us know what is up next. Donna G
  19. Hi Carly. glad you found us. It is great if the Patient has someone with them that can be a second set of ears. It is important to take notes. It is so hard to listen to and so hard to remember all the details. Should I assume that besides Pet Scans or CT's that a biopsy also was taken? It must have been since you said it is "Adenocarcinoma". They should discuss next what the plan of care options are and what Drs you need to see. Perhaps a Thoracic surgeon, an Onocologist , or a Radiologist that treats cancer. Generally surgery if an option if the tumor is localized , has not spread to another part of the body. I was stage 3B I first had 2 drugs of chemo and daily radiation, Then I was able to have surgery . After the plan was more chemo. This December it will be 18 years ago that they found the tumor. Please keep us posted on your next Doctor visit and how things are going. Donna G
  20. Hi LInda. Glad you found us. Sounds like your Dad has led a very challenging life. He must be a tough guy. Is it not even 2 months since you lost your brother? Sorry you lost your twin sister 7 yrs. ago, that also had to be so difficult. He really needs to have a team and a plan to fight this battle. He can get treatment with type 2 Diabetes . He will have to watch his sugars etc. carefully. Mayo in my state Minnesota is very good. Is there any place closer to home? I was not Stage 4 but close, Stage 3 B . I survived, Please keep us posted on how you and he are doing and what plans will be. Donna G
  21. Pessimism doesn't cure any disease. It either makes it more difficult or impossible to get over or cure. Stress is bad for you. All of us should do what we can to reduce stress, as --- go for a walk, talk about what is going on, get it off your chest. Lung cancer is horrible. I lost my father in law and my husband to it. Some how I survived. Some of us do survive. Donna G
  22. Glad to hear your temp is down to normal ! Sad to hear of your Dad's decline. Your Mom is going through a lot and Mesothelioma. At least your sister is getting a break. I grew up in Boston and my Dad built us a cottage on the Cape. We spent a lot of the summer there. Hope your temp stays normal. Donna G.
  23. So sorry to hear you still are running a fever. Yes, deep breathing exercises could help for sure Taking the Ibuprofen could be masking a fever too. Sure do hope you get a good nights sleep and feel better in the morning. Waiting to hear from you on how it is going. Donna G
  24. I am glad you have a brother and sister , and friends. You certainly can not drive after having a procedure where you are sedated! I hope that fever is gone! Otherwise you'll need to call the doctor. WE usually want to be independent and not have to ask for help but under these circumstances sometimes it is really necessary. Please update us on how your temp is and how you are feeling. Donna G
  25. Hello and welcome. Glad you found us. I bet it was upsetting to be told that they found more cancer. Glad to hear you have a plan in place. I had chemo and radiation before and chemo after surgery. I was 50 when I was diagnosed. When they did the surgery they found the tumor was dead. Because I was Stage 3B they did the chemo after surgery anyhow. That was back in 97' to 98'. I am still here. Do you have someone helping you at home? Or going with you to the clinic ? I don't know your circumstances well enough to tell you what path to follow on your career. Keep us posted , Donna G
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