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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Great for Lungevity! It said we are going to initiate a study of the benefits and risks of treatment to those told they have lung cancer? Is that here on the web site or a research clinic that we will support? Donna G
  2. Sorry to hear about your friend being diagnosed with Lung Cancer. I lost my soon to be father in law in 1968 to lung cancer. I survived lung cancer but lost my husband last July to lung cancer. What stage is your friend? Has it spread anywhere? Keep us posted. Donna G
  3. A plan is in place. Great. I had this plan. ( VP 16 is Etopiside) I am about to celebrate 17 years since diagnosis. I wish her the same success. Keep us posted. Donna G
  4. Donna G

    missing dad

    He still lives through you. His values and strengths still live in you and hopefully you will pass them on. I am going to a grief group . That was one of the topics last week. We were asked to list the attributes of out lost love one and discussed this. I lost my husband who I was blessed to have for 45 yrs in July of 2013. Every day I think of him . Donna G
  5. Hello. Seems we have some in common. We both lost our husbands to lung cancer , we both had broken bones last year, and we are interested in volunteering our time. I broke my femur and the hip and ended up with a total hip replacement. Tomorrow I am having orientation for new volunteers at the hospital. Last evening I went to my Grief Support Group meeting. The speaker said during grief it is like the door handle is broken. We have to find a new handle to get to through the door, new ways to deal with problems, emotions go up and down like waves. we have more questions than we have answers. I don't think I will ever stop missing my husband but perhaps I can learn new ways to get through life without him by my side. I know he would want me to go on. Donna G
  6. What a blessing that the doctor ordered your chest x ray! Glad to hear your treatment has been set up and you are getting started quickly. Do you speak German? Waiting to hear how you are doing in treatment. Sounds like a good one and hopefully you will be watching that little baby grow bigger and bigger. Keep us posted . Donna G
  7. Donna G

    sunday air

    It is sunny again here in Minnesota. It was 40 degrees and calm when I walked the dogs this morning and going up to 60 this afternoon. The locals here were thrilled with the Gophers winning yesterday. The Viking game just began. Rain is coming they say so I might get outside today and get some more leaves up off the ground. It was a blessing today to see my " church" family. A friend asked how I was doing ( referring to the loss of Jay, my husband). I was so blessed to have had him for 45yrs. Hope many of you are enjoying some sunshine. Donna G
  8. Good Morning to You. It was 31 degrees when I walked my dogs this morning. Frost on the grass and roofs. The leaves are gorgeous, the sun is shining and it will warm to 60 degrees this afternoon. I hope that if you are reading this that you are feeling well. If you are a football fan that you will enjoy the games this weekend. I hope my husband can view a few from heaven for he loved them so. I miss him so. How is the weather where you are? How are you? Donna G
  9. It is cold this morning but the sun is shinning. I love that. I bought a new recliner this morning , I had better not spend too much time in it. Exercise is good for us, right? Keep what we have left of our lungs expanding. Kate talked about my friend Connie B. I miss her so much. She was who I leaned on , who I could talk to and be understood when I was first diagnosed. She worked so hard helping others, teaching lung cancer awareness, having events in November around the twin cities. She was very involved with this web site . Hope you have a good day. Donna G
  10. Don that is great news! It is worth the journey for some of us do survive and live to help others through there journey. There are some new tests and some new treatments since I was diagnosed. I pray that the people doing research find out more and more to prevent, early diagnose and target the treatment so more survive. Donna G
  11. This time when I tried I found the new look to Lungevity .It is Oct 9th and the sun is shining here in Minnesota. I usually always click on new posts since last visit but I could not find that place . I wonder if it is gone? I hope it does not take me too long to find my way around. It looks great though ! Well lets see if I was successful posting this, Hope you are having a good day. Donna G
  12. Last weekend it was in the 80's. Today we never got out of the 40's. Tonight they say we will get snow! This is crazy. It is very windy and also the fall leaves are coming down. Can you rake leaves if it snows? Believe me this is crazy. Donna G
  13. Glad you got the results. Hope she is feeling better. Now we need a plan. They will hopefully explain more during her appointment on the 10th. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  14. Hello. Glad you found us. James-- the patient is not the only victim of lung cancer. The others are the family, loved ones, friends. They suffer too. Hope we can help. Donna G
  15. Well if you had to move back to the US you sure are in a nice city. I love the Zoo there. The Mission Bay is nice. The weather is pretty even year round. I worked at College Park Hospital when I was there with my husband who was in the Navy. I am so sorry that your Cancer came back. I have a friend who had a lobe on lung removed for lung cancer and a few years later on a check up they found another tumor on the opposite side. It turned out for her it was a different kind of non small cell , she did have a lobe on that side removed too. So far she is doing well. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  16. It is beautiful here in Minnesota today! It is sunny, blue skies, 73 degrees with a few more degrees expected. A terrific weekend is in the forcast also. What a gorgeous day for the first full days of Fall. Donna G
  17. Glad you found us. Also I am really glad they found the cancer , you were able to have surgery and that they are following up that lymph node with some good treatment. This can be beat! I am soon to be a 17 year survivor and I was Stage 3B. Please keep us posted on how you are doing . Donna G
  18. As you can see on my profile I had Cisplatin and VP 16 with daily radiation then the xray showed shrinkage so I had surgery and as planned from the beginning I had more of the same chemo after surgery. They have new chemo drugs now so that most likely would be different drugs. again keep us posted. Donna G
  19. Thanks for the update. Glad they are planning a biopsy. I had that too. Keep us posted of the results and what her plan will be. Pray all goes well. Donna G
  20. I had chest pain and arm pain so I went to the clinic. On the phone they were worried at 50 I was having heart problems. At the clinic the labs and EKG were fine. They did a chest xray and found a tumor in the apex of my Right upper lobe of lung pressing on the pleura ( lining of the lung ) and pressing on the nerve going down my arm. I had a Pancoast tumor. I hope they do all the tests to be sure they know what it is. Keep us posted. Donna G
  21. Randy did you watch the Patriots game today--- played here in Minnesota? I bet you are pleased with the results! It is pleasant here today, blue skies and the sun is shinning. I just got in from my second walk with the dogs. Donna G
  22. Hello! We had a Harvest Moon last night. This morning when I walked the dogs it was in the 50's. This evening we are expected to get heavy rain so I don't have to pay the city to water the lawn this week. As many of you know I survived lung cancer but I lost my husband last summer to lung cancer. Yesterday would have been our 46th Anniversary. I hope all of you are doing well and will enjoy the change of seasons. Take care and keep us posted, Donna G
  23. Here in Minnesota it is a very nice day. About 79 degrees, less humid, partly sunny. It is the last day of the State Fair. All the local news has been at the state fair. It is huge. Lots about food, agriculture, entertainment etc. Minnesotans love their fair. At the barn there have been lots of new babies being born the last 12 days.--- Lots of cows, pigs, goats, sheep etc. etc. Lots of food on a stick, corn on the cob, Martha's sweet cookies. All kids will be back to school tomorrow. Before I know it the leaves will turn red or yellow on the trees and start falling down. Summer will be over. Hope all are having a nice Holiday . Donna G
  24. Great news. My Pancoast tumor was found dead also when I was able to have surgery. This year I will be a 17 yr survivor. Hope your Dad does at least that well also, keep us posted, Donna G
  25. Welcome Bohohoney. Glad you found this site. Sounds like you will be a great help to your mother. You did a wonderful thing fixing all that healthy food and helping her maintain healthy weight. When I was diagnosed I was 145 lbs (65.8 kgs) , I am fairly tall. I started treatment with daily radiation and 2 chemo drugs. They did not want me to loose any more weight so they encouraged me to eat all the candy and desert snacks they had in the clinic. I had been raised to eat desserts on holidays or birthdays only. Boy did I learn from them how to eat lots of junk food! Here it is nearly 17 years later and I am still trying to break my new " habits" The blessing is that I am still alive and well. Sounds like you are a little IRISH. My relatives are O'Hagan, Gilmartin, O' brian, Leahy, Sullivan, Murphy , to name a few. We have a Lake Erie in the States, an Erie city in Pennsylvania, I wonder if the Irish had anything to do with naming them? Keep us posted on how your Mom is doing. Donna G
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