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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Happy, Happy, Happy News! Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  2. Judy, prayers going up for comfort and peace for you and the whole family through these most difficult times Donna G
  3. I too could not get on this site yesterday! Like Lilyjohn when I clicked on my favorites it brought me to the main site and asked me to log on. I put my info and it kept saying unrecognized! There was nothing I could do. Well just now I decided to try again . Back to normal. Clicked on favorites and was right here as usual. A little bit on rain when I came out of church this am, clouds still now. They say more storms this evening. Boy all this rain sure has the grass growing! Hope all are feeling good today. Donna G
  5. Hi Heather. Your surgery was not too long ago! It takes a while to get over lung surgery but it sure sounds like you have jumped right back into a busy life style. Glad you found us. Please keep us posted on how things are going. Donna G
  6. Welcome De. I love your log on name. *It's a wonder that no one has thought of that before! Sounds like you are doing really well. It will take time to get over that surgery. Glad that Dr. finally looked deeper into your problem. Keep us posted. Donna G
  7. Wow, this is your second time dealing with the big C. First I am so glad that you found this site. Lots of great info and support here. SCLC is very sensitive to chemo. I have friends that were diagnosed over 10 yrs ago that are still fine now, one even had mets to the brain ( that was treated) . Most even without evidence of brain mets eventually get preventative whole brain radiation. How are you tolerating the chemo? I pray you have those wonderful results too! Keep us posted. Donna G
  8. It is 32 degrees at 6 am here in Minnesota. We here are definitily questioning if Mother nature forgot it is Spring! The good news is they are not predicting snow today and right now the wind is calm. Judy I hope you get that insurance coverage business cleared up soon. What is covered and not is getting too complicated these days. Donna G
  9. Hi Alan, welcome. I also am a Pancoast Tumor survivor! As you can read in MY STORY in Dec. 1997 I called the DR. thinking that my chest and shoulder pain was an Orthopedic problem. I also had radiation and Cisplatin and Etopiside before I was able to have surgery and also again after. I have some nueropathy from the Cisplatin. I am still cancer free. I pray you have had as great a response to your treatment also,. Keep us posted. Donna G
  10. Hi, and welcome. It is amazing because of the internet that we can meat and talk to someone so far away. As far as diagnosis we are not so far away. It sounds like so far you are doing wonderful! Great News! Welcome to the to the friends of NED. I was diagnosed in December of 97', I went through chemo and radiations surgery to remove a lobe and more chemo. The good news is I am still Cancer free! I love my friend NED, ( no evidence of disease) Keep us posted on how you are doing. Any follow up xrays coming up? Donna G
  11. So sorry for you and your family Lisa at your loss of your Dad. I hope you find comfort in knowing he is well now and watching over you. Donna G
  12. Donna G

    Kasey's test results

    Happy, Happy News! I love it. Donna G
  13. Hello to you. As said above when you are told it looks like Lung Cancer it puts you in a state of shock. I remember it well, even though it was 12/97 ! Yes, this can be beat. I was not early stage, my tumor was in the apex on my right upper lobe touching the lining of my lung, pressing on nerves that go through that area. Please keep us posted. Also because it is so shocking it is a very good idea to bring an extra set of ears with you or tape what the Dr. says so you can listen again later. Donna G
  14. Hi Susan. You did do one thing very correctly. YOU FOUND US. This is a great place to get information and find people who have "been there done that". I am so glad you found us. When I was diagnosed years ago I was so scared and there was no place at first to find support. Another place is our friend Dr. West's (Onocologist) site CancerGrace. SCLC is treated with Chemotherapy and it usually works very well. I have friends here in Minnesota who are doing very well 10 yrs out and still in remission. Please keep us posted on how you are doing and what the plan is. Donna G
  15. Hi Debbie. I am so glad you found us. We know hard this this is. I was told from a chest xray " Sorry to tell you but you have Lung Cancer" Next was the barrage of Dr. visits and tests, Biopsies etc and then a plan explained. I suggest you copy that list posted above. Also bring someone with you. You need another set of ears. All this is so overwhelming you might miss something your told. Another good thing wound be to bring a tape recorder. THen you can listen at you own speed! Please keep us posted on what and how things are going. Donna G
  16. Good Morning. It is 25 degrees and foggy here in Minnesota this morning but they say we are going all the way to 52 degrees this afternoon! That should help melt our snow that is still on the ground. Hope all have a pleasant weekend. Donna G
  17. No but every one in Minnesota certainly has heard of Mayo! I work for Fairview. Donna G
  18. Hello Karen. I am an RN also here in Minnesota. I had NSCLC. I went to the Dr. thinking after moving here that I had an Ortho problem from unpacking everything --too old to do that at 50. Turned out it was a tumor in my RUL pressing on nerves that run by the apex of the lung. We also have in commom I was treated with Cisplatin and Etopiside (VP16), Click below to read my Story. Wish you all the success I have had!!! with that treatment. SCLC is very succeptable to chemo. I know many that are in remission for over 10 yrs. Keep us posted. Donna G
  19. Being the of full blooded Irish decent that I am I must jump in and join the good wishes for St. Paddy's Day. I was amazed to find out just a few years ago on a trip to England in March that St. Patrick himself was not Irish! He was English! I had never , ever heard that before. Again Happy St. Patricks Day Donna G
  20. This is weird. I am the first to post today? re Monday. I am so excited. The weather man this am says we will reach the 40's every day this week and maybe even 50 one day. The down side may be that our snow melts too fast and this increases the risk of flooding some places. Today I plan the go get my hair done and work out at LA fitness , then take my 2 Border Collie mixes to the Dog Park and let them play and get themselves worn out. After hearing that Vit D may help prevent lung canceer and am also so happy that my Dr. checked my levels and put me on that supplement. I also take a baby aspirin a day. I really don't want my lung cancer to return! Please have a Happy Day and pray for those poor people in Japan. Donna G
  21. Hi again Dave , I also posted to you in the introduction forum. I see here you say it was caught early. That is great news. Donna G
  22. Welcome Dave. You say you have small cell lung cancer. Are you taking chemo? Have you had brain radiation? this cancer has shown good results with these treatments. I have a friend in remisision for over 10 yrs. keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  23. Hello. Yes several of us are survivors of Pancoast tumors. As you can read by clicking below in My Story, I went to the Dr. because of chest and shoulder pain and found out it was because of a Pancoast tumor. I was treated with radiation and chemo before the would do surgery. Was your Dad? After surgery there is also pain but different. 2 of my ribs they broke to get into my chest never healed so at times I become aware of this now, also all they do to your chest muscles to get in may cause some permanent changes. With a women the sqeeze of a bra is intolerable for some. What is he using for pain? DONNA G
  24. Its a beautiful day here in Minnesota. THE SUN is shining! It took all morning but we got the stairs, the walks and the driveway cleared of snow. I am going to take the dogs to the Dog Park in a little while. Donna G
  25. Sorry to hear about your son. I was just his age when I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Has he gone to another Dr. for a second opinion? I grew up in Boston, still have siblings that live in Massachusetts. Keep us posted. Donna G
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