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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome Tony. How do they know for sure it is in your spine and liver before you have the Pet Scan ? Did they Biopsy your Liver? Hope they Pet Scan goes well . Let us know how you are doing and what the Pet Scan shows, and what the plan is. This we all know is tough news to hear. Donna G
  2. Hi Smitty. So sorry to hear you got hit with lung cancer twice. I don't see how you could have been "back to normal" from the first time, never mine getting it again. That surgery, chemo and radiation are powerful but they really wipe you out. I have some lung cancer survivor friends that finally joined an exercise club to work out and build up our strength again, Have you tried that? Keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  3. Hi Liz. Glad you found us. I went through chemo and daily radiation has shrinkage then was operable, then had more chemo. Click below on my story if you want more detail. Keep us posted on how he is doing, this is a rough road. Donna G
  4. Welcome Sandi I remember well how it felt to be newly diagnosed! I was not in a clinical trial. You can click below on my story and read about my journey. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  5. Hello Pam, welcome. I was first diagnosed because I went to the Dr. with pain. Click below and read my story. Sounds like wonderful news-----clear scans. Keep us posted. Donna G
  6. Great news! Love to hear the news of nearly 6 years of survival! I pray she has many more. Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  7. What a stressful situation, 6 months pregnant and lung cancer. Where has it spread to? Are they going to deliver the baby early so she can start some treatment? Please , Please keep us posted. Prayers going up for your friend and her little one. Donna G
  8. Congratulations Kasey on 6 years! I knew you could do it! You still have a bit to catch up with me though, I'll be 13 years in December! You also have been such an inspiration to those here at the support group, you are wonderful. So happy you found us , found a great doctor and treatment, and stuck around to help others. You are great. sincerely, Donna G
  9. Hello Frank! I finally got to use the computer, missed your post until now because this is a big week for my husband--football drafts!!!!!!!!!! so he' been on the computer a lot. Not only am I a long term Pancoast Tumor survivor but I was raised in Boston. I was very fortunate to see my Onocologist who also taught other doctors at the Univ of Minn. Click below and you can read my story. A while back we had a little group going here of Pancoast Tumor survivors. What kind of treatment have you had so far besides surgery? Keep us posted. Donna G
  10. Hello, and welcome. It was a long time ago when I went to the Dr. thinking I had done something to myself packing and unpacking and was told instead I had lung cancer. It can be beat, read my story by clicking below. Please give us updates on how you are doing. Donna G
  11. Welcome , glad you found us. I am so happy to tell you -so far I have beat this ! Back in December 1997 I never thought I make it past 1998. Click below and read my story. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  12. Welcome Steff. Does 1959 mean the year you were born? Glad you found us. Read my story below, ( just click on it) Some of us do survive! Keep us posted. Donna G
  13. Sounds lilke you had a lot of good news to share with us! It is a very good idea to exercise after chemo. Progress will come but it takes time. Donna G
  14. We've been having some really hot weather here in Minnesota, have you in Michigan? Are you well hydrated? Sometimes you can get cramps from dehydration or electrolyte imbalance. Hope you fee better soon. Donna G
  15. Hello to you and welcome. I had chemo and daily radiation so that my tumor would shrink and become operable , so no that does not make you inoperable. You can read my story by clicking below. Hope your Mom's tumor shrinks with treatment too. Keep us posted on how things are going Donna G
  16. Hi Mary. If the picture is you , you sure have a bundle of joy in your arms! Like the others I say Stage I is the place to Be if it has to be lung cancer! I am glad the Doctors now are rolling out a plan quickly. Let us know when the surgery is and how you are doing. I lost my R upper lobe 12 yrs ago and am still doing fine. So far cancer free, wish the best to you also. Donna
  17. Hi Sharon, welcome I wish you the best during this difficult time. SCLC responds well to chemo, glad they got it started quickly. I know many with Advanced SCLC they have been doing well for years. Donna G
  18. Hi Mary. This is a great group of survivors, welcome. Sounds like you have been dealing with this for a while, having finished radiation and chemo and going on Tarceva. You are well aware having gone through breast cancer how the big C affects us. Hope you have some support at home too! Any problems with the Tarceva? Donna G
  19. Hello Dave and welcome. Click below and see my story. I started with 2 chemo drugs and daily radiation. Wish you he success that I got! Please keep us posted. Donna G
  20. Welcome Deborah. Glad you found us. Most of us know how scary this time is for you. Click the link below and read my story. I was just 50, I have never had another cigarette again. This I am told is a good decision especially in making cancer treatment more effective. By the way I also have scoliosis. Bringing another set of ears or a recorder is a wonderul Idea! It is so hard to remember all the details of what is being said, it is so upseting. Keep us posted. Donna G
  21. Thanks for sharing that wonderful news. They do have some very good medicines that really help with the nausea. Keep us posted. Donna G
  22. It is good to be home. The lung dry sound like good news too. The walking? Is it weakness? Wishing you more success. Donna G
  23. Welcome . Sounds like Pat is responding to treatment as you say her pain is gone. Keep us posted. Donna G
  24. Donna G

    Birthday Wishes

    Happy Birthday One day late, sorry Donna G
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