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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Lovin to hear good news about Kasey! Donna G
  2. Welcome Pixie. Glad you found us. I too was refered to a support group that seemed all breast cancer. Fortunately eventually I found one for lung cancer and then this site which is great. Keep us posted. Donna G
  3. Welcome Carrie. Glad you found us. In our local face to face support group we have several SCLC with many years of survival under their belt. Keep us posted on how he is doing. Also Bald is very popular for guys right now, some even shave their heads. Donna G
  4. Wecome Donny. Glad you found us! I can attest this is really a rough road to travel. During my treatment I took Cisplatin and daily radiation ( plus Etopiside) You notice I am over 11 years since diagnosis and no evidence of disease (NED). You can read my story clicky on the link below. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  5. Great news! Nearly 5 years since diagnosis and our wonderful friend NED is hanging out with you! Are we planning a big party for August? Donna G
  6. Very Colorful! Donna G
  7. Those nylons in 2 pieces were held up by garter belts! Our telephone number was ------ Fairview 3-3397 Most everyone were on Party lines. So when the phone rang you had to count the rings to be sure it was for our house Donna G
  8. Donna G

    Good Friday

    At the age of 33, Jesus was condemned to the death penalty, but not just any death penalty. Back in His day, dying on the cross was the worst death possible. Only the worst criminals could die in the horrible fashion that Jesus did. But with Jesus things were worse, if you can imagine that, because not all the criminals condemned to death would receive nails in their hands and feet! These were real nails, nails as big as spikes! Each was 15 x 20 cm long, with a point of 6 cm. The points were very sharp so that they would penetrate both through Jesus' flesh and into the wood of the cross. The nails were hammered into the wrists, and not into the palms, as we are used to hearing. In the wrist, there's a tendon which extends to the shoulder, and when the nails were being hammered, that tendon tore, which caused Jesus to flex all of the muscles of his back, so that he could breathe as He was losing all the air from his lungs. In this way, He was forced to support Himself onto the nail that had been driven through both of his feet. This nail was even larger than the ones used in his wrists, for both feet were nailed together into the cross. And, as his feet could not endure for a long time without tearing further, Jesus was forced to alternate that 'cycle' so that He could breathe. Jesus endured that reality for over 3 hours. Yes, over 3 hours! One minute in this position would seem like a lifetime, for most people but three hours? An eternity, no less! A few minutes before He died, Jesus was not bleeding anymore. He was simply pouring water from his many cuts, serious wounds and punctures.. When we imagine Him injured, we only visualize the end results of the injuries themselves, but it's not enough; His wounds were true holes, made into and through his body. In addition he had been beaten relentlessly with horrible torture devices. He had no more blood to bleed, He only poured out water. The human body is comprised of nearly 3.5 liters of blood (for an adult). Jesus poured out all 3.5 liters of his blood; He had three nails hammered into his members; a crown of thorns driven into his head and, if that wasn't already enough, a Roman soldier had shoved a spear into his side, creating a horrible gash. All this without mentioning the complete humiliation He suffered while carrying his own heavy cross for almost 2 km, while the crowd spat on his face, mocked him, and threw stones at him. Jesus had to pass through this entire experience, so that you can have free access to God. So that your sins could be 'washed' away. All of them, with no exception! Don't ignore this situation. HE DIED FOR YOU!. For you, he experienced this to save you. Now, reflect on this! May God bless your life! Donna G
  9. I had daily radiation and 2 chemo drugs at the same time, it made me operative and now I am over 11 years since diagnosis and friends with NED. Donna G
  10. Welcome Joan. Soon we will be able to celebrate with you 2 years of survival. Hope you have decent weather for the walk. Here in Minnesota they are finally predicting temps up to the 50's and no snow in this weeks forecast! Yippee! Keep us posted on how it goes and how you are doing. Donna G
  11. Yes it is Friday. I have the day off. The sun is shining. I will do my best to enjoy this beautiful day--- for tomorrow-------------------it is supose to start snowing again for a couple of days! Donna G
  12. I had different chemo. I am glad she is getting chemo now, you sure wouldnt want another stray cell to set up housekeeping again! This will be sure to kill those little buggers! Keep us posted. Donna G
  13. Great news, 14 months! We all know that took a lot of work to get there. Congratulations to Tom and the whole family. Donna G
  14. Wonderful news! 30 months and soon it will be 3 years! Donna G
  15. Donna G

    It's been a year

    Happy news with more celebrating to come! Donna G
  16. Donna G

    3 Years Ago Today

    Thanks for the update. Prayers going up for you and your beautiful family that you will have many happy days together and many laughs. Donna G
  17. I am so sorry to read your message. This must be so difficult for your Dad and the family. Hospice should be some help in coping. Keep us posted. Donna G
  18. Wishing all a Happy St. Patricks Day. You don't have to be Irish to celebrate, neither was St. Patrick! Wishing all a smile and a giggle today. Sincerely , Donna G
  19. It's already 28 degrees here and we are going all the way to 38 degrees! This weekend we may hit the 50's, yippee. We haven't seen those since last November! The sun in shining so me and the dogs are going to go play at the dog park. Donna G
  20. Welcome to our " family" Dawn. I've read your posts and I agree with NED, you have certainly done your homework finding out about this disease and it's diagnosis etc. You will really be a great addition! Theres nothing nice about lung cancer I know but I bet you know that SCLC is very suceptable to chemo and responds well. I know of several people with the diagnosis of extensive that are doing well years later! I wish you the same. Do you have family around you besides your children? or great friends? I bet this is really hard on your kids also. Keep us posted. Donna G
  21. Hello and welcome. It must be so hard to be so far away. You say your Dad has vena cava syndrome? Does he have a Pancoast tumor? That is a tumor up in the apex on the lung. Many here have had that, including myself. I started with daily radiation, and chemo until it shrunk enough for surgery. You can read my story by clicking below. Keep us posted. Donna G
  22. Welcome Sandy. Like above, pain depends on the type of surgery, I had the old thorocotomy , in that they have to break ribs etc so it take some time for it to heal. Donna G
  23. Hi, I'm the Donna G that Kasey talked about. Yes , I am a survivor, diagnosed in December 1997! Read my story below, just click on it. Donna G
  24. What great news Becky! Lets have a party! Donna G
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