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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Woops , I hit it twice , I guess they would have double fun. Donna G
  2. My Rocky and Sally would love to meet Rosie and her sister at our dog park. They would have lots of fun. Donna G
  3. Welcome to the board. I think it is great that you are going for second opinions. some people are even operable after the brain mets are taken care of. Sounds like you are saying there is only one lung tumor, that sounds good too. Please keep us posted. It is possible to beat this disease! Donna G
  4. THIS is so appropriate. Wish they had this at all VA centers also. Years ago men could only take a break in the service IF they had cigarettes and took a "smoke". They sold cigarettes cheep for them "no taxes" on board ships and at the px stores. Now all these young men have "grown up" near at at retirement and all too many have or will have lung cancer. DOD should take care of these guys and their families . I know , I am one of those wives. Donna G
  5. Donna G


    Most of us survivors suffered with depression at least for sometime during out treatment. Can you ask his doctor for a prescription for a pill for it? It may "pick" him up enough to do other things as that day care to help. Exercise also helps some, just taking a walk. Donna G
  6. Hi , glad you found us. I found out I had lung cancer because of pain in my shoulder and chest. I had a tumor up under my collar bone in the "apex" of my lung . It is called a Pancoast Tumor because Dr Pancoast discribed the sydrome it a tumor there causes. Read my story below ( click on it) Others here also have had Pancoast tumors. Please keep us posted. It is a tough journey but it can be done. Donna G
  7. Kasey I am so glad you came here and we got to meet you. Mary Ann had shared her story and that fact helped you. Now you share and I am postitive you have helped many more. Yippee, 4 years , what a wonderful celebration!!!!!!!!! Having got this far I am sure we will enjoy many more years of your survival celebrations. : A smile for each year. Donna G
  8. I don't know whether I am looking at the right kWh, if you have to add them together ( as those under energy, under Cycled A/C Energy and the taxes) Bottom line my bill for August was higher this year but...... I see at the bottom of the bill they actually compare to last month and last year!! Ave daily KWH use 08 32.2 (32 days) Cost for month 98.29 plus tax ........................... 07 38.8 (29 days) ......................84.47 plus tax So last year we used more per day and payed less but now I see last year was for only 29 days and this year for 32 days . Thats 3 more days of electricity that I am paying for this year. I still think it is up though Donna G
  9. Welcome to our family . I know we can be of help and support during this trying time. I am so sad to hear this is his second round with a cancer. Glad to hear his pain is under control. Keep us posted. Donna G
  10. Ned and I have been close friends for years! I love him. If he ever leaves me I don't know what I'll do except search for him again. We first met back in 1998 and have been close ever since. I will soon be an eleven year survivor, I believe Stage IIB as per size of my tumor and the fact it touched my lung lining and nerves and vessels in my shoulder. Donna G
  11. Donna G


    Yes , words of wisdom. It is sad we lost Dean 3 years ago this month. I know though he is still watching over us and our spirit pool. Donna G
  12. Welcome Carol Ann. Connie B is one of my great inspirations. I was just about a year plus out when I met her here in Minnesota at her face to face support group in St Paul. At that time like you I was still having those dreaded CT's and all the worry that goes with them. This is a rough journey but with support it can be done. Keep us posted. Donna G
  13. Welcome Lisa. This is a tough time. We know. The treatment for the cancer really wipes you out, you need lots of rest, support, good nutrition and sometimes more than likely an antidepresent medicine. Keep us posted . Donna G
  14. Welcome Jackie. We all know what a rough trip this is. I had chemo and radiation before I was able to have surgery. On xray the tumor was still there before surgery. I asked after surgery about it and I was told it was just scar tissue left, none was "alive". I pray that is the case with your Mom but I agree with the above posts , get another opinion and also agree this is so devastating most of us have a time we need support and antidepressant meds. Keep us posted. Donna G
  15. Welcome, glad you found us. My oncologist was Dr. Duane, he taught at the U of M. I loved him. There are lots of doctors that you have to see. The pulmonologist usually is the one that tests to see if you can tolerate surgery. Click below and read my story. I am glad your Dad had his cancer found "by accident" that is much better than when it has spread. Please keep us posted on how he is doing and what the plans are. Donna G
  16. Welcome ! I am glad you found us. This is a very scarry time, I know. I wonder where in your husbands lung the lesion was found. I went to the doctor for pain problems also and they found a tumor a little bigger than a golf ball under my collor bone , shoulder area. You can read about my journey by clicking on the link below. From what you said you have not had a biopsy or many of the tests we have had to go through . Please keep us posted on how you folks are getting through all the tests and physician appointments. Best Wishes. Donna G
  17. Donna G

    Stayin' Alive

    I am so happy for bothe of you, Sandra and Ned! Wonderful news to celebrate. Donna G
  18. Heard about this on the radio so I googled it. I found this article about a women who had lung cancer and when it came back the Doctor wanted her to have Tarceva but the insurance company said no but they would pay for assisted suicide drugs -$ 50.00. ( it was cheaper) http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=5517492&page=1 sad, the good news is the drug company did give it to her free. Donna G
  19. I think I found it. Connie you did not mention that the doctor admitted he has smoked and how hard it was to quit! http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4401751n Hope that link works. Donna
  20. Welcome Bug. Boy the beginning of this journey is a rough ride. I know. There are usually lots of tests and lots of doctors to see. Please let us know what the Onocologists plans for you and how you are doing. Donna G
  21. I think he's hugging a puppy. Donna G
  22. I sent this and the link that Katie B put on the board to ask our senator to vote for funding to all my family and friends. Donna G
  23. Welcome Katie. Yes you definitely are in the right support group, we either have had lung cancer, still have lung cancer or are a family member to someone afflicted with lung cancer. I agree with above re asking Dr. West if he has any ideas for you. It would be definitely more complicated to have lung cancer and be a survivor with a kidney transplant. Keep us posted. Donna G
  24. I remember you posting under Mrs. Mike! By your new name sounds like you have a lot more to tell us about what has happened since your last visit. One thing is you moved from South Dakota. Welcome back. Donna G
  25. I remember you posting under Mrs. Mike! By your new name sounds like you have a lot more to tell us about what has happened since your last visit. Welcome back. Donna G
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