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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Another victory for adult stem cells. They have cured over one hundred diagnosis. I have no idea why some still want to use embryonic stem cells by killing babies when all they cause is cancer and have cured nothing. DonnaG
  2. Happy Birthday to you Have a wonderful day. DonnaG
  3. I am left handed and had Right Upper lobe lung cancer DonnaG
  4. Welcome Broken arrow. Hurricane season is about to start. I pray we have none this year. The Gulf coast has still not recovered from Katrina and the rest of the country is having enough disassters with tornados and flooding. Now we know one of our own, you Broken arrow, will be out on the Gulf too. Happy to hear you have made friends with "NED". Keep us posted. DonnaG
  5. NBC will televise John Akinson today 1pm Central golfing at Torrey Pines this past week. As you may remember from the post below he was chosen and has Stage IV lung cancer! Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:00 pm Post subject: John Atkinson Undaunted by Lung Cancer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti ... 217/SPORTS
  6. I had just moved back to Minnesota, doing the packing, unpacking, etc. I had pain in my R chest and R shoulder. I figured I had a pinched nerve in my spine ( I have scoliosis) and called the clinic to see an ortho doc. They said 50 yrs old, chest pain, come now! On an xray they saw a solid mass up under my collar bone. Then the tests began!!! Donna G
  7. Randy's update www.cs.cmu.edu/~pausch/news/index.html That show was aired last year. I wondered how he was still doing. He posted at this site yesterday!!! DonnaG
  8. I think being told you have a disease that many people die from and undergoing all the tests, and stresses of treatment leads to depression. I don't think depression has to be suffered . People should ask for help. Part of our treatment should be with how to cope with the emotions, the stress, the fatigue, and anything else as nausea etc. I don't see anything wrong with wanting to feel better and I think feeling better must help you get over the disease and cope with the treatment. It is not a matter of feeling guilty about being low. It is about how to feel better. Donna G
  9. Hi, welcome. Sounds like they diagnosed you with an early stage. I wonder why they gave you radiation instead of chemo? Why did you have the 2nd lobe removed? because of the lung collapse or did they find more cancer? I was just one night in ICU then to the floor with 2 chest tubes . Had my surgery on a Monday and was sent home hurting but stable on Thursday. My biggest problem was pain. I "had an Epidural " but it turned out it had fallen out of my spine. The meds leaking into the sheets did nothing to relieve my pain. Eventually they looked and saw it was out and got me a PCA. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  10. Donna G

    Yeah Baby!!!

    I'm do'in the HAPPY, HAPPY , HAPPY dance with you! Donna G
  11. Donna G


    I buy them at Schulers shoe store locally but this is there web site. Http://www.sasshoes.com/ Hope you can find a store near you that carries them if you like. My feet do like. Donna G
  12. Donna G


    I have neuropathy from Cisplatin, I was told. The good news is 10 years later I am still alive and well. My feet are very fussy. I buy all SAS shoes, they have good support and my feet like them and DO NOT LIKE any changes. They definiitely would complain bitterly if I wore pointed shoes or high heels. I don't fall down any more. So that is better. I don't need any drugs to get through the day. I just work hard to make my feet happy. Donna G
  13. Donna G

    Good Report!

    Wonderful news update! I agree about the CT's, too much radiation can give us a new cause for cancer. What are you doing to celebrate? Donna G
  14. I know lots of people who were diagnosed with SCLC years and years ago and are still NED -no evidence of disease. They had chemo and preventative brain radiation. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  15. Welcome Karen. Glad you found us and also glad to hear you have joined the survivors!! When is your scan due for follow up? Keep us posted. Donna G
  16. Hi Tarek. You said you go back to th US on June 5th? Sorry to hear your Dad will not eat and his head hurts. Do you have Boost or Ensure ( liquids with total nutrition in them) available there? If he keep sipping on them it may help. Does he have pain medicine for his head pain? If not can you get it from his doctor. Please keep us posted on how he and you are doing. Donna G
  17. Your husband has had a tough time since last year. It is great news to hear he has had his surgery, did not need to be on a vent, and he just needs to heal from it. Chest surgery is painful. Some get an Epidural put in that runs for a few days after to help. Others get a PCA ( personally controlled analgesia) that they can push a button for meds to get relief. Some get bothe. Hope he has some good meds to help him through this time. Donna G
  18. Tarek there is nothing easy about this disease, not for your Dad, not for you. Your Dad knows you love him and are there when you can be. That is important. It helps. You do not have to sit with him every moment for him to know you care. Let us know how things are going. Donna G
  19. Her options sound great to me. I would perfer the surgery if otherwise she is in good health and can cope. The other procedure I have heard great results from. Let us know what they or she decides. I started with her treatment also, went to surgery and had more chemo after ( was the plan from the start) and I am celebrating over 10 years of survival and am also still NED ( no evidence of disease) Donna G
  20. Gracie is your sister still working? You say she was last month. If she is working full time, emotionally grasping the idea she has CANCER, getting all kinds of procedures and tests, has fluid on her lung, starting chemo treatments etc she has every right to be exausted. Wow. Prayers for your sister. This is a tough road but it can be done. Donna G
  21. If you are seriously ill it is very appropriate to see a priest and recieve the "annointing of the sick". I did it 10 years ago. I also asked for the prayers of my parish. I know the prayers were answered. best wishes and my prayers to your sister. Donna G
  22. Thanks you so much. Obviously family was so important. Donna G
  23. With a 7 % survival rate at 5 years I sure would not want to be in the UK. I know we do a lot better here. Donna G
  24. Donna G

    Scan Results!

    Boy I am too late to meet you in the pub to celebrate but the news did sound goood! Donna G
  25. Donna G

    Connie B

    Got to see Connie last Tuesday in St. Paul. I have known her for about 8-9 years now. Believe me she is amazing, inspiriing, the greatest advocate for lung cancer patients and lung cancer awareness!!!!!! She is the greatest friend ever. Donna G
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