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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome Cindy. Your Mom is so proud of you and will be with you at your event! We need to do all we can to keep from loosing any more great people too soon to this disease. Thanks for your efforts. Donna G
  2. So sorry to hear about the brain mets but glad his doctors are on top of them. He's had quite a bit of chemo so it sounds like that is a good decision to put that on hold and take care of the new mets. Keep us posted. Donna G
  3. Welcome Christie. Boy you guys are in the most emotional, stressful time. I know I have been there. I started with chemo and daily radiation. Then I was able to have surgery, then more chemo. I started my journey 12/3/97 ! There is hope. Keep us posted on how he is doing , how you are coping, and what the plans for treatment are. Donna G
  4. Welcome back! Wonderful for you to share your good news, celebrating 4 yrs of licking the big C. Donna G
  5. Hi and welcome. I started my treatment with daily radiation and chemo When I had surgery they told me it was dead and all scar tissue. Hope this happens for you also. Keep us posted. By the way, sounds like a superior sulicus tumor or Pancoast. Several of us here have had a tumor there. Click and Read my story below. Donna G
  6. Welcome James. Glad you found us. We know what a tough time it is when you are told the diagnosis and have to go through so many tests and meet new Doctors. Keep us posted on how you are doing and what the plans are. Donna G
  7. Wow! I have mostly stuck to dogs, although not the same breed. I remember my brother had a fish tank for a while. Once I had a parakeet. He and my Rat terrier liked to play on the floor. Rex- German Shepard Barron- Rat Terrier Kenoe- Siberian Husky Rusty- Airdale Terrier Mitch- Tricolored Collie Now have Rocky - Border Collie-Australian Shepard Dog mix Sally - Border Collie- Mutt mix Donna G
  8. Thanks so much. I have the day off from work ( I worked the weekend). I intend to play all day. My dogs Rocky and Sally want me to spend some of the day playing with them! Donna G
  9. Hello Barbara. Glad you found this group. This site is huge with lots of info that have been posted. For more detail on "My Story" I put a link for me below. I remember well how I felt when I was at your stage. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  10. Can you get a copy of your record, tests results, xrays, history,progress notes. It's your record. Perhaps that will help you. Donna G
  11. I want to give you a big hug ((((((((((((((((Connie)))))))))))))))))))))))))) I hope the trip was not too much on you. Donna G
  12. Hello Lisa. I am an RN. I also was diagnosed at age 50. This disease, as you have learned can strike anyone. I also went to the Dr. because of pain. When I was told it was not an orthopedic problem, it was lung cancer, I knew my prognosis was bad. The good news is soon I will celebrate my 61st Birthday! Since my treatment and getting back to work I have a whole new idea of what my patients are going through that have been diagnosed with Cancer. Welcome to our group. Keep us posted on how you are doing and how your family is coping. DonnaG
  13. I hate cancer. I saw him on Oprah. I am so sorry to hear his family have lost him. Sounds like he accomplished a great deal in that short life. Donna G
  14. Welcome Dean. There are a lot of newbies here that really need to know that one can survive! Early detection is another thing we all need to push for. Donna G
  15. Welcome Mary. Have someone KISS that knee. It may have saved your life. Let us know what your treatment plan will be. Donna G
  16. Did you see this on 60 Minutes this evening? YouTube - Cancer-Cure Radio Frequency Machine 2 (John ... John Kanzius has invented a machine that he believes may lead ... 4 min 6 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkzCSNTYWXg Donna G
  17. Have you tried one of the new backless bras? They don't sqeeze those broken ribs. They were designed for backless dresses but perhaps we that no longer can forget when we have the "appliance " lifting up our little puppies may see them perk right up! Donna G
  18. Hi Kathy. Welcome. We who have been through this know exactly what a difficult time this is ! Keep us posted. Donna G
  19. Welcome Diane. You may have had surgery and finished chemo but from my experience you are still in the thick of it. You're body and mind have just had a whippen!! Most of us need some kind of support. Many of us need some kind of antidepressent for a while. All of us need time for our bodies to heal from all that treatment, plenty of rest, some exercise, good healthy food. Glad you found us. Keep us posted. Donna G
  20. Welcome Coni. glad to hear that your husband responded well so far to his treatment and is putting back that weight loss. Riding motorcycles is getting quite popular in my neighborhood for the young and the "older" crowd. The guy across the street even rides in a suit! Keep us posted. DonnaG
  21. Prayers going up for Rich. Donna G
  22. I offer you my prayers to help you through this most difficult time, for your peace and the families. Donna G
  23. I am a nurse but I was one for many years before I got lung cancer. I have been back to work now 10 years since I had lung cancer. It seems that often I am "sent" someone who is dealing with the big C and now I have a much better understanding of what it is all about and what it entails, believe me. Wish you well. Donna G
  24. Hi Toddy. Welcome. Are they planning any more treatment for your brain mets? I also am a nurse. I still am working. So sorry to hear your husband is going through this also. Keep us posted. Donna G
  25. I had Cisplatin and Etopiside and daily radiation before I was able to have surgery. I had 2 chest tubes and an Epidural for pain that fell out. I had lots of pain in the hospital. Gradually got better. I also had more of the above Chemo after surgery. THE GOOD NEWS is I finished 10 years ago! I am still aware of those ribs that were broken, they never lined up to heal. I don't think about it all the time. I am a nurse and believe me I do lifting. See My Story -posted 7/3/04 "Through the valley to the mountain" It is my story with more detail . Donna G
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