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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome. Glad you decided to speak. This is a tough disease on the patient and the family. Did they tell you if he was Extensive or Limited? Is he on Chemo now? Usually it is recommended they have brain radiation for this type tends to spread there, the radiation is preventative. I know some long term survivors of SCLC, it really is sensitive to chemo. Keep us posted with an update. Donna G
  2. Nothing new here in Minnesota. We are having a snow storm, it continues to be cold, 16 degrees. The wind chill is bad, minus 2. Just think tomorrow it will be officially winter! Donna G
  3. Nothing new here in Minnesota. We are having a snow storm, it continues to be cold, 16 degrees. The wind chill is bad, minus 2. Just think tomorrow it will be officially winter! Donna G
  4. Welcome. I agree with above , Dr. West is wonderful and so good about answering questions. I belong to a face to face lung cancer support group here in St. Paul, Mn and we have a women who is a long term survivor of SCLC who was not staged as limited. Keep us posted. Donna G
  5. Welcome to the group. About your mother in law, maybe if someone goes to the doctors visits with her ( iI hope someone does) they could mention how down she is. Mayabe the doctor would give her an antidepressent. Most of us end up on them for a while. This disease and treatment is rough. Donna G
  6. Well it is warming up here in Minnesota, it is already 2 degrees out! It snowed here last evening (again) so we had some clean up to do on the stairs, walks and driveway. The sun is shining! We only have about 8 hours of daylight this time of year. I am hoping that it may warm up to 8-10 degrees by noon and I'll take the dogs to the dog park to wear them out! Sounds like we may not have snow again til tomorrow evening. They are saying we'll get another foot before Christmas Donna G
  7. Welcome Sandra. So glad you shared you and your Mom's story with us. Boy it sounds like all good news now. Keep us posted. Donna G
  8. Welcome Richard! 5 plus years of survival, what Happy News! So glad you found us and shared your story. Sounds like your treatment went down a similiar street to mine. I just celebrated an anniversary too! Donna G
  9. Donna G

    Christmas Gift

    That's wonderful news. Thanks for sharing it. Donna G
  10. Well I am with the first guys, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. It was -8 degrees farenheit this am when we had to go out and shovel snow !!!! It has warmed up now though ----------all the way to minus 2 degrees!!!!!!!. I just shoveled the driveway near the street because they finally plowed the street after we went to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O my, winter is yet to come officially 12/21. Wonder what this is? Donna G
  11. Donna G

    ice storm

    My family is in Massachusetts. I called my brother yesterday to see what was going on. He lives close enough to the Patriots stadium ( south of Boston) to hear the cheering when it is going on. He said it was western Mass that was hit, he was fine. Out near Worcester etc are having a hard time. Donna G
  12. Thanks to all for your well wishes. My husband Jay even put it in our Christmas letter that I celebrated 11 years of survival this year! Since that day 12/3/97 I have been so blessed. All the prayers from my friends, all the new friends that I have met that gave me so much support. I am so blessed to have met those in our local support group in St. Paul including it's founder Connie B and all the wonderful people at this sight including it's founder Katie! Donna G
  13. The good thing about the info you have is you are closer to a plan to kill this beast. Keep us posted. Donna G
  14. Welcome, I am glad you found us. We have members here that have had multiple family members with this diagnosis. Connie B is a friend of mine and she lost her mother , father and sister to lung cancer then she was diagnosed at 43. Since then others like aunt etc have also been told that they have lung cancer. In some families it seems to hit hard. Please let us know how he is doing. Remember some of us do survive. I am cancer free, and a 11 year survivor. Donna G
  15. Happy First Anniversary . May it be followed by many more years and a friend called NED, Donna G
  16. Well here in Minnesota it is 19 degrees, the high for the day. Later it is to become windy and the snow will blow around so that should give us a good windchill temp. My husband and I just finished clearing the deck, stairs, walks and driveway of last nights snow. They promise we will get more snow every day the week and stay cold. I do have to admit the Christmas lights do look pretty against the snow in the evening. Donna G
  17. All Clear! Wonderful news. Shrink, Shrink, Shrink, yes , yes, yes. Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  18. Welcome. Hope we can help. You say he has 2 "spots" ? That sounds treatable. Did they do the routine screening tests also, like bone scan etc. Agree this is a traumatic conversation to have with your Doctor, you need extra ears , note book or recorder with you. Keep us posted. Donna G
  19. Welcome Monique. I am glad you found us. Keep us posted on the results and what the plans are. Donna G
  20. Welcome Donna. I am so glad that you found us and this site. There is a wealth of info and support here. The initial diagnosis of pnuemonia is very common with lung cancer. My tumor was solid and happened to show on a simple xray but most do not. Eventually doctors send the patient for a CT or Pet Scan or biopsy and by then it is larger or has spread. We really need early detection and a screening test. Has your Moms tumor gone out of her lung? if so where? Is it in more than one side or lobes? Keep us posted. Donna G
  21. Today, December 3, 2008 it is officially 11 years since the doctor said " I am sorry to tell you but YOU HAVE LUNG CANCER". Here I am 11 years later still friends with NED. No Evidence of Disease. Lots to be thankful for. Donna G
  22. Very Sad. 22 is much too young to die. In our local group we had a young women diagnosed with Mesothilioma at 26 yrs old. She was at this site for a while. Thank goodness, minus one lung so far she is still with us. Donna G
  23. You picked this up on the net in North Carolina and we who live in the Twin Cities heard nothing about it? Weird. Or perhaps normal for those with lung cancer. Donna G
  24. Welcome Diane. I was diagnosed 12/3/97 at the age of 50. I started with chemo and radiation. When surgery was able to be done they told me it was all dead scar tissue. If it turns out it is cancer ( by biopsy) I wish you the same results-dead scar tissue! Keep us posted. Donna G
  25. Welcome to our group , I am so glad that you found us. We all know how hard it is to find out you have lung cancer and how this affects the whole family. Sounds like you had enough on your table to begin with too! Keep us posted. Donna G
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