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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome Doug. I bet you may be expecting the snow that is suppose to hit the Twin Cities today. Weather tends to go your way after hitting Mn. I hope you have family or friends there at your appointments and for general help. It is so hard to even "hear" what the doctor is saying during this trying time. If not bring a recorder so you can listen again at home. I have been through this journey, you can click and read my story below. The good part of my story is 11 years later I am here talking to you! Keep us posted. Donna G
  2. Hi Rhonda . So glad you found us. You and your Mom are in the most stressful time after being diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Keep us posted. Donna G
  3. Donna G


    Welcome to our community. Your wife's diagnosis is so recent you two (and the rest of the family) are still in the most devistating stage. That is when you feel you are spinning with the diagnosis and going to many tests and doctors and getting more info that you have problems even hearing what is said, it is so overwhelming. Your wife is very young, only 47! Can you tell us what they have done for the brain tumor? Many times they treat that quickly. Also what type of lung cancer is it? Non small cell or Small cell? Is there a treatment started for that? A month after my diagnosis I was already several weeks in chemo and radiation, you can read my story with the link below. Keep us posted. Donna G
  4. Welcome Mat. Aside for the lung collapse you sound very fortunate. 1.5 cm sounds really early diagnosis. Keep us posted on your follow up. Donna G
  5. Welcome Kat Keep us posted. Donna G
  6. Hi Zach, glad you found us. Your Mom is lucky she has such a good son that will drive an hour and help her out with her care. Chemo is tough but lots of times it does a great job. I had to have chemo to make my tumor shrink and become operable. When they did surgery all they cut out was dead scar tissue! Wishing your Mom the best. Keep us posted. Donna G
  7. That's great, we'd love to have Ya. Donna G
  8. Welcome Pamee, glad you went deeper into the site and found us. Sounds like you have had a lot of good treatment. Keep us posted. Donna G
  9. Welcome Gary, thanks for sharing you and your wifes story. Keep us posted. Donna G
  10. Kasey sure should know who to go to on the east coast! I also am a Pancoast tumor survivor, 11 yrs now! You can click to read my story below. This can be beaten. Will your friend have computer access. She could come here and talk to us survivors. Keep us posted. Donna G
  11. Too bad I had to work! What a change we have had for 2 days! Yesterday we made 45 degrees F and today 33 degrees! The sun is shining. Soon my husband will have the Super Bowl on TV. I hope the commercials are entertaining. Donna G
  12. Welcome Kneesaa. Boy sounds like you are very fortunate to have great Doctors. Sorry you had to go through treatment again but better to know and get treatment than for it to get out of control. Keep us posted. This is doable. See below for my story, I am an 11 yr suvivor! Donna G
  13. Welcome Deb. Most of us have to deal not only with the cancer but with the emotions too! This can be beat. Click below and read My Story for what has happened to me. I am an eleven year survivor and no evidence of disease! It took a lot of work but it was worth it. Keep us posted. Donna G
  14. Hello Catwomen, I just saw under the post "Pancoast tumor" that you also had a Pancoast tumor! Welcome to this site and Kasey and I and others at this site who also had a Pancoast Tumor also welcome you to our special subset. As you know tumors in the apex of the lung cause special problems and seem to have the same group symptoms or syndrome. As you see I feel blest that this year I am an eleven year survivor! I wish the same or better for you! Donna G
  15. Donna G

    This Is Us

    I bet that special day was a whle ago. That day looked very nice and comfey, not cold and wet and frozen like January. Nice picture Donna G
  16. Happy dance, yes ! This is fun to dance and celebrate the first and most difficult year of survival is finished, yippee! Wishing him many more. Donna G
  17. Hi Trayce, welcome. I live with nueropathy from chemo. You can read my story by clicking below. The key words are I live ! Keep us posted. Donna G
  18. Has not warmed up in Minnesota, is -14 degrees F this AM. Good thing is the sun is shining. Donna G
  19. Welcome to our group. Thanks for posting your story. It does offer some hope to those recently diagnosed or going through treatment. Donna G
  20. Welcome Joanne. Glad you found us. Your story will give others hope! I had to have radiation and chemo to shrink a tumor to make it operable. The initial biopsy had said "adenocarcinoma , possibly squamous cell" After I had surgery I asked " well which was it?" The doctor said i don't know , the only thing left was scar tissue! I bet thats all you have left too! Keep us posted. Donna G
  21. Welcome. What a blessing that muscle spasm turned out to be and how good that ER doctor was to give you a CT! Usually , since there are no early symptoms to lung cancer most are diagnosed in late stages but it sounds like you caught it earlier. This can be beat, I just celebrated 11 years of survival and no signs of any cancer. Keep us posted. Donna G
  22. Turn the heat up Wear layers of clothes and if sitting wrap in a blanket Snuggle with the dog or heat a bean bag in the microwave and hold it to warm my hands. Donna G
  23. The sun is shining so far today. It was -22F this am but I am so excited this afternoon it is suppose to go up above zero They also predict snow starting this evening, o well. Soon I will go out and warm up the car then off to workout at Curves, then pick up groceries and a few errand. At rush hour about 5:30 I get to go to the airport to get my husband who is returning from San Diego. Hope all have a good day today. Donna G
  24. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://kstp.com/article/stories/S745573.shtml?cat=1 this is a link to our KSTP ABC news from this morning. "just how cold it it" shows a video of the hot coffee thrown into the air turning to white dust Donna G
  25. http://kstp.com/article/stories/S745573.shtml?cat=1 this is a link to our KSTP ABC news from this morning. "just how cold it it" shows a video of the hot coffee thrown into the air turning to white dust Donna G
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