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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Barb I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. He is very fortunate that you can just pack up and go to be of help. Going through this you need a lot of support. It is a tough road. Just yesterday I was talking to someone who helped me so much when I was going through treatment. I had 2 different Chemos and daily radiation, on the days I took Cisplatin I had to have a ride to the clinic because of medicine they gave me to keep me from getting nauseous. Also people from church sometimes would call and just let me vent. There was more to my treatment , you can click and read my story if you like. It is very important to have extra ears at Dr.s appointments also , or even a tape recorder. Keep us posted on how you and he are doing. Donna G
  2. It is 94 degrees right now in Minnesota! This breaks all records kept for this date since 1875 The normal high for this date is 73 It is also very humid too. We have turned on our air conditioning. Donna G
  3. Glad you found us. Welcome. I know this is really a tough diagnosis. Have you gotten a second opinion? I agree, the above site is a great place to get an opinion from Dr. who treat lung cancer. Keep us posted on how it is going. Donna G
  4. Anyone see the NBC News last evening? A spot started talking about a gene test that might predict which smokers will get Lung Cancer. Finding smokers with this Dysplasia ( changes in the gene of the cells) was what they were looking for . Then they said it counld be treated and reversed by a supplement called Inositol, found in Health food stores or naturally in some foods as oranges certain beans etc. Interesting. Donna G
  5. Welcome Joppette. Yes some of us do survive. Thanks goodness you went and got that CT. You evidently, like most, had no symptoms. There is no policy to screen for lung cancer---- so many, if not most, are diagnosed late. Thanks for joining us to help those newly diagnosed, as we all know that is a rough time . Donna G
  6. Did anyone watch the ABC morning news? I can not believe that Raqeul Welch , born 9-5-40, looks like she does! What is her secret? Donna G
  7. Right now it is 35 here in Minnesota. THe high today will be 54. I am so excited tomorrow they say it will be 61. Tuesday we go to 71, Wednesday to 74 , Thursday to 71. We have not seen anything in the 70's since last September! Yippee! Donna G
  8. Donna G

    Bill Has Died

    I am so sorry for your loss. It is never easy to loose our loved one. Prayers going up for your peace and the family and friends and that soon you will have more days enjoying all your wonderful and blessed memories of all those years you shared. Donna G
  9. HI Van. I too am glad you found us. I am about your age now but I was just 50 when I was told I had lung cancer. I will never forget how shocking and upseting it was and how stressful all the Dr. visits and tests were. I am so glad that your Dr. followed up and got the xrays and CT done. We are waiting to hear from you what else is planned and what the plan for treatment is. Best wishes. Donna G
  10. Woops , this was a duplicate post! Donna G
  11. Would you believe we made it to 62 degrees today, here in Minnesota. It won't last for ever though. Tonight a cold front is moving in from the Dakotas, they say won't go above 40 tomorrow. Donna G
  12. Donna G

    Tuesday's Air

    Foggy here in Minnesota but who's complaining! You don't have to shovel fog! Donna G
  13. I followed your posts link to another link and read about a Dr. discussing if you have too much thyroid you feed the cancer to grow faster. When I was diagnosed the first thing they did was wipe out my thyroid, I was hyper ( Graves Disease) . Glad to hear you are feeling better. Donna G
  14. Hi Claudia, welcome. Boy you are fast finding this support group! So glad you did. How can we help? Please keep us posted on your results and the plan. This can be beat. I was not early either but I am cancer free now. I was diagnosed 12/3/1997 Donna G
  15. Katie, yes . It is Sandy H. Yes they use On Q pumps for other surgical incisions, a lot of times here for back surgery too. Donna G
  16. Has anyone had an On Q pump for after a thorocotomy? I have a friend who Had her left lower lung removed for lung cancer 10 years ago and this past week she had her right lower lung removed for lung cancer! They could not do it the laprascopic way, had to make the huge incision but unlike before when she had an epidural for pain, this time they inserted an On Q pump. It seemed to me to be wonderful. I could not believe the evening she came back from surgery she got up and walked to the bathroom! Of course she needed help to drag her IV and her chest tube but still-------amazing! THis was a Tuesday, on Saturday they pulled the chest tube and sent her home, she still had more numbing fluid in the On Q pump so it went home with her and her family were shown how to pull it when it got empty! Donna G
  17. Welcome. Glad you found us. Mayo is a great place! 2nd opinions are also great. I am a long time survivor and I had radiation and chemo prior to surgery to shrink the tumor. Hopefully Connie B will log on and tell you her story, she is the longest survivor I know, and happy to know her! Let us know what is decided. Donna G
  18. We are celebrating here in Minnesota. Another day we made it to the 30's and the sun is shining. I took my 2 dogs to the dog park and there must have been a hundred dogs there! It was so gorgeous. Have fun Donna G
  19. Good morning. I can not complain about the weather in Minnesota today. It is 21 now and we are going to 28 F this afternoon, no new snow today. I saw on TV this am 6.1 aftershock in Haiti this morning that was even felt as far away as Florida. Did our friends in Florida feel this? Donna G
  20. It is 8 am here in Minnesota and it is -18 degrees outside my house. Wooooooo I think that is cold enough! The TV says it is even snowing in northern Florida, Wow. I hope it warms up soon. We are going to a funeral this morning. Hope all stay warm enough, have a great day. Donna
  21. Welcome Jess. This is a great spot for support and lots of information. Boy you and your Mom are just at the beginnning of this journey. It is really tough in the beginning and very overwhelming. Where was the Cancer besides her lung, it must have spread somewhere to be Stage IV. I had to have chemo to make it possible for surgery. At surgery they found it had totally killed the tumor, wishing your Mom the same. Keep us posted. Donna G
  22. Katie the posting reflect just a small amount of the time and effort you have given to us and the cause to support and find a cure for Lung Cancer. Thanks so much. Donna G
  23. You did not loose it. I just read it. It was under another Mondays Air, written on Tuesday. Well it is still very cold and sub zero here in Minnesota but today they say we are going to go all the way to a possible 11 degrees! That is going to feel like a heat wave! Have a great day. Donna G
  24. It is sort of cold here in Minnesota also, -17 degrees F ( not including the wind chill) On the bright side they say we may break zero for a while this afternoon! Have a great day Donna G
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