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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome Doc. Sounds like you are doing pretty good! This is a wonderful site. Keep us posted on how things are going. Donna G
  2. Temp in Minnesota was not too bad this morning. 26 degrees F. I took my dogs for a walk. About 9:30 the snow began here. They say this storm will break some 100 yr records for inches of snow in a day, total snow for a winter season, etc. Looks like we'll have the snow blower out for sure! Donna G
  3. Hi Helen. I too am glad you found us. You sure were smart enough to look for support real quick. You said you have grand kids, does family live near by, do you have them to help you get to appts, or treatments? Hope your weather is as nice as ours in Minnesota has been the past couple of days. Keep us posted on what is going on and how you are doing. Donna G
  4. Welcome Missy. Glad you found us , we want to help. What treatment has she had for that brain mets? They usually can zap it. Was that where she had the radiation? Have they started Chemo? Keep us posted. Donna G
  5. It is called The little cough that killls: Lung Cancer Dr. Oz is on here at 3pm Central time on NBC He also has a web site that may have it later http://www.doctoroz.com/ Update, here are links to the video http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/when-cou ... ancer-pt-1 http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/when-cou ... ancer-pt-2 http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/when-cou ... ancer-pt-3 http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/1-cancer-risk-home-pt-2 I hear he even mentions that you don't have to smoke to get lung cancer. Donna G
  6. Donna G

    Better late...

    Yippee! That's so much more exciting to celebrate than a superbowl ! Let's have a party. Donna G
  7. Donna G


    We all are praying for you and the family during this difficult time. May you find and be blessed with peace. Donna G
  8. We are having a heat wave here in Minnesota! It is 22 degrees F this mornng, wow! More good news yesterdays snow did not amount to more than just a puff, no shoveling today! Sorry for all you on the east coast and my family up in Massachusetts, boy you guys are getting hit bad! Hope all have a good day and stay comfortable. Donna G
  9. It is really winter here in Minnesota! Woke up this am to -26 degrees Farenhiet! This afternoon it is suppose to go up to about 6 degrees and start snowing again! Needless to say the TV is all talk of the dangers of Frostbite today. Also they mention we will have runny eyes and nose when or IF we go out. I really think grocery shopping can wait until tomorrow Donna G
  10. Heard this on our local news this week. http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2011/01/0 ... er-battle/ Donna G
  11. It is -13 degrees F this morning here in Minnesota. The good news is they predict SUN TODAY. No more snow until tomorrow. This afternoon it is suppose to be +12 degrees F so I think I will take my dogs to the Dog Park and let them play. Donna G
  12. Here in Minnesota we are experiencing Canada's generosity in sharing their cold with us. It was - 4 degrees Farenheight when I got up this morning and has "warmed" up to -3.6 now! We had some snow yesterday but I think I will wait at least a few hours to go out and clean it up off the stairs , and driveway. The sun is shinning! Donna G
  13. click and see the Minnesota Song, it has many pictures from this winter!
  14. Saw this on Good Morning America, stage 1V lung cancer, with 24 brain tumors and still surviving http://abcnews.go.com/Health/cancer-str ... d=12455109 At the annual Christmas concert of the San Francisco Boys Chorus, one voice sounded out like no one in the crowd had ever heard before. Singing "Oh Holy Night", the woman at the front of the theatre had a life story that was perhaps worthy of her own opera. Zheng Cao, born during China's Cultural Revolution, came to America 23 years ago with virtually nothing. "Zheng is one of God's best creatures," said Frederica von Stade, a fellow opera singer. "When he puts a lot of good things all in one person, it results in someone like Zheng." A Grim Diagnosis With two suitcases at $45 in hand, Cao arrived Dec. 17, 1988. After formal training she became a household name on America' grandest stages, as one the great mezzo-sopranos to come from abroad. But in 2008, on stage and off, something was wrong. Zheng had a pain that wouldn't go away. Soon medical tests delivered grim news. "I said, how bad is it?" Zheng, 44, recalled in an interview with "Good Morning America." "And she said 'it's stage four.'" Despite having never smoked, Zheng had stage four lung cancer that had spread throughout her body. Her doctors gave the San Francisco woman six months to live. "She had 24 tumors in her brain, a tumor in her spine," said Dr. David Larson of Washington Hospital in Fremont, California. There were large tumors everywhere. Zheng said it felt like she had dropped everything and it just scattered. "And that moment felt so bad about "My God, what am I going to tell my friends? And what am I going to tell my parents?'" She said she called it her death sentence of a few months. But she turned the bad news into a journey of life and living and started keeping a video diary to remember it. And then her tragedy began to look like a miracle. Her inner circle came together quickly, formulating a plan to save her. First, a chemotherapy drug called Tarceva worked wonders. Then ELEKTA Gamma Knife surgery with Larson not only shrunk but removed all 24 tumors in her brain. They called it a true miracle.
  15. Shrinkage, , what a happy word, great news for the Holiday season. DONNA G
  16. Donna G

    3 Years

    Great news Bud. 3 years! It is like another Birthday to celebrate. Christmas will be a lot more fun this year. Donna G
  17. Judy I think if you flew up here to Minnesota today you would really begin to appretiate your winter weather! Today the Vikings play outdoor football ( the first time on 29 years to the day.) They are playing at the new stadium at the Univ. of Mn. It will start snowing at about noon here, with the heat wave of temp gone up to the low 20's, we expect another 6-8 inches of snow. Over 50,000 fans will view the game outside on metal benches. They are getting complimentary hand warmers! Winter begins this week and we will have already had more snow than the total of all last year! In the morning tomorrow we will be out shoveling more snow! Have a fun day. Donna G
  18. First Welcome, glad you found us. Was this doctor the surgeon that took part of her lung? She needs an Onocologist who can set up a plan. How old is your grandmother, is she otherwise healthy? Keep us posted, Donna G
  19. Donna G

    6 years and....

    Jamie I am so happy for You !!!!!! Donna G
  20. The good news is the snow here is over. We got a record setting storm, the 5th worse storm is history. got 17.5 inches officially at the airport. The city still has not plowed our street! The news says that the roof of the Dome where the Vikings play football has collapsed under the weight of the snow. New York never got here from Kansas yesterday anyhow because the airport here was closed. More good news it is 1 degree out and will warm up to 3 degrees, we still will not discuss the windchill Donna G
  21. Well we are having a little snow storm/Blizard here in Mnnesota today and it is 19 degrees out but feels colder with the wind chill ( it is windy). Tomorrow morning the snow will be finished and they say the actual temperature will be -14 , we do not want to even think of the wind chill. We should be able then to get out and finish cleaning up the snow , they predict 16 inches but up to 20 possible with snow drifts much deeper. Glad I do not have to go to work this weekend! Donna G
  22. Welcome. Can you tell us what kind of Cancer your family member has? Is it lung cancer? There are several kinds of lung cancer as small cell, non small cell , Squamous cell carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma. ?Any Idea. Have they had a biopsy, any treatment prescribed yet? Donna G
  23. So far we have warmed up to 9 degrees and 10:20 am. The sun is shining so we went out and shoveled yesterdays snow off the stairs and driveway. Menu for turkey day is all set. I'll start the oven in a while. Right now I will finish watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade on TV. Happy thanksgiving Donna G
  24. Hello Jassen, welcome. I am so glad you found this site. I am glad also they your Mom got diagnosed and is in treatment, It is rough, I know I have been there. I hope she responds well to the chemo and radiation. Please keep us posted on how she is doing. If you have any questions, fire ahead. Donna G
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