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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Hello Nayan. Welcome. I'll be looking for more details re what type, stage and plan for tx you have. This is a great place for support and information. Keep us posted. Donna G
  2. I did not have SCLC my self but I know several people that are long term survivors . The good news is chemo works very well on SCLC. Usually those with that diagnosis have preventive brain radiation also. My friend here in Minnesota is over 10 yrs with no return. Keep us posted. Best wishes Donna G
  3. Welcome. Glad you found us. On the your left were 2 of your original 5 lobes of lung. If the took bothe did they give you radiation or chemotherapy also? You did not say. Where it has been about 3 yrs to have them tell you now there is activity on the right and your liver has to be so scarry!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is the plan so far? Are they going to treat what they see? Biopsy? Scan again, watch and see? Are you young? Do you have any other problems? Lots of questions . There are so many things that could be, and so many alternatives. Sometimes if you had chemo or radiation, there could be scars to follow not to panic. If not, and this is new, you need a plan. Please keep us posted , this can be conquered!!! Best wishes Donna G
  4. We all are so happy that you never gave up looking for information. Now we can bothe celebrate many years of survivorship Donna G
  5. Donna G

    Dr. Oz

    WOW! I am so excited to see Kasey. I knew she was a star but didn't realize she was branching out to TV. Donna G
  6. Welcome, it is great that you found us. Those of us here all know support is necessary to help in this process. I read you also had some intermitten shoulder pain. That is what sent me to the Dr. I thought it was an orthopedic problem, but it was a lung cancer tumor in the apex of my lung pressing on nerves. I hope you respond as well as I did to treatment! Keep us posted. Donna G
  7. Donna G

    7 years ago

    Yes we do give thanks. What a wonderful anniversary you are celebrating! Donna G
  8. Happy NEW YEAR ! I worked this weekend, glad I am home and have next 2 days off! DonnaG
  9. Thanks to all of you! Alan I do have some residual problems that come from chemo and surgery. I have neuropathy particularly my feet from chemo. I also have 2 "broken ribs" they broke to get into my chest for surgery that never lined up and healed. But I say this is minor compared to what would have happened if I did not have these treatments! Donna G
  10. It was 14 years ago today that I went to the doctors because I was having pain in my shoulder. I thought it was an orthopedic problem. It turned out it was lung cancer. A tumor was pressing on a nerve in the apex of my Right Upper lobe of lung. I thought then that I needed to start planning my funeral. Some of us will beat this disease. I am still cancer free since my treatment. Best wishes to all of you Donna G
  11. Donna G

    LC: Joe Paterno

    I just read about this when I opened my web site, it was a headline. Too sad. Lots of stress for him and the family. Donna G
  12. Hello. It was 30 degrees when I walked the Dogs this am but nice cause the sun was shining. The last of the leaves are falling down so raking will stop soon. The weather man is cheering us up by telling us last year we had 8 inches of snow on the ground at this time. A few flakes fell this past week but nothing stuck to the ground. My family in Massachusetts had to shovel heavy wet snow with that storm they had back east. They had no power for 4 days and had to cut up a tree that fell in the front yard. Nothing that exciting up here. Hope all are well. I am coming up on my 14th year since diagnosis on 12/3. Still keeping NED for a friend Donna G
  13. Welcome Cathy. So Glad you found us. You are really in the thick of things. Not even 2 months since you had your RU lobectomy. Not 2 weeks since you started chemo and now your into brain radiation! Wow. What a busy girl you are. I had a tumor in my RUL also but had to have chemo and radiation to it before I could have surgery, then more chemo after. PLEASE keep us posted on how you are doing. This can be beat. I am also most 14 yrs since diagnosis! Donna G
  14. Great NEWS ! We love our dear friend NED. So glad he is with your Mom. Donna G
  15. More wonderful news. You give hope to those just diagnosed that some do beat this disease! Donna G
  16. Great news! Time to celebrate. One CT they say is like having 500 xrays, don't want to do that for the rest of your life if it is not necessary. Are you planning a party or some thing special for this occasion? Donna G
  17. Donna G


    Wow, thank you Kasey for even thinking I am an angel! So happy to see your 7 yrs survivor annniversary posted. Time to Celebrate ! Now you know we love you so much , we wish you many, many more happy anniversaries! Donna G
  18. Hi Kimmie and welcome. I know what you mean when you here you have lung cancer, it is a tough journey. You are amazing and your story will give so many some HOPE that we all need. You say you were stilll grieving the loss of your Mom when you were diagnosed. I wonder if you would qualify for the study that KatieB told us about- for people that have had several family members diagnosed. She said you could get to it at http://www.eh.uc.edu/gelcc/ Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna
  19. I miss Connie too. Donna G
  20. SCLC responds well to chemo therapy. I have several friends from out local support group that are doing fine for over 10 yrs. They also have preventative brain radiation. How far advanced was your Moms cancer when it was diagnosed? Has it spread anywhere, In bothe lungs ? Keep us posted. Great people here to help with info and support Glad you found us. Donna G Woops just found another post of yours. Only in one lung and a few local lymph nodes, Chemo and radiation scheduled. Great plan as you describe!
  21. Welcome Dee. Just found your post. I guess 8/4 was my Birthday and I missed it. I was a later stage than you but even still I seemed to have made it! It is nearly 14 yrs since the Dr. said " I am sorry to inform you but you have Lung Cancer" I will never forget that day! Wish you well. Keep us posted. Donna G
  22. Hi Jodi. I just talked to Sandy last Sunday. Her CT the Doctors were making her worry about was no change. We bothe had talked about how long it has been since we were to the Lung cancer support group in St Paul. I miss Connie so much. Take care of that Asthma! Donna G Woops! I thought Jodi posted recently! THis was from years ago!
  23. I have been hearing about this tragedy all day on the local news. I had no idea til now that it was a relative of one of our members. I am so sorry. He was a brave man and truly loved his son to lay down his life to save him. You and the family are in my prayers. Donna G
  24. I am so glad you found us. This is a terrible diagnosis to hear. I am glad his Dr. is going to give him chemo. I was finally able to have surgery after I had chemo. They told me the chemo had killed it! I hope he gets a good response. Meanwhile I pray that you and your Dad can appreciate every day, day by day that you will have. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  25. Like some above, once my staples were out I only saw the Onocologist but not for 10yrs! The last CTs and then Xrays they I have had were ordered by my primary doctor.
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