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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. We have not heard from you for a while. Sorry about this turn of events . Are the ribs feeling better? Glad to hear you got a second opinion and a plan to attack is in place. Please keep us updated on how you are doing. Donna G
  2. I, like your plan had radiation daily with Cisplatin and Etopiside for 6 weeks before I had surgery ( and also after I had more chemo) I advise you to get a port. I later found out that it is recommended for this chemo because if it infiltrates it realy causes a lot of damage to the tissues. I had good veins but even still I have a little scar just from them pulling the catheter out. Hope your all over the infections. Donna G
  3. Guess what, today is Saturday! I saw someone in Key West got snow for Christmas, it must have blown your mind! Have a Happy weekend. Donna G
  4. Really is a White Christmas here in Minnesota. We have blown snow, shoveled snow, then repeated the above several times today. I think they predict we'll have 18 inches on top of what we already had. It is suppose to quit snowing by Saturday afternoon. We even had to blow snow paths in the back yard for the dogs, it was so deep it buried them! Merry Christmas. Donna G
  5. Another welcome! So glad you found us. Keep us posted. Donna G
  6. Hi Christie and welcome. Have you seen any of your specialists, as Pulmonary, Surgeon, Onocologist, Radialogist? If you have been just diagnosed I know you must be in a whirlwind of an emotional time. So glad you found us. This can be beat. I just celebrated 12 yrs on survival. Just click below and you can read my story. Keep us posted. Donna G
  7. Wonderful news! May you bothe enjoy a long and healthy life. Donna G
  8. I know 30 degrees is cold in Texas. Here in Minnesota this morning it was -5 when we woke up, now it has warmed up to -4 with a wind chill of about -16 degrees. We got all the new snow up off the stairs , walks, and driveway last evening after work so yippee!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have to shovel today.! Donna G
  9. Love that GOOD NEWS! keep it coming. Donna G
  10. Thanks ALL. My sister who loves to dance, takes line dancing etc. sent me a video of a 92 year old really doing some dancing , her partner even lifted her over his head, tilted her back to the floor etc. I want to be doing that dance when I am 92 yrs old, and I want all of you to join me! Donna G
  11. 12/3/97 is my anniversary of the day the Dr. said to me " I am sorry to tell you, but you have Lung Cancer" The Happy News is I am still here , alive and well, to celebrate the fact I survived! Donna G
  12. I am shocked. He posted just one week ago on 11/20 saying how he was nearly a 7 1/2 yr. Stage IV survivor of BAC , diagnosed 5/02. He has been such a wonderful member here and so supportive. We will all miss him. Donna G
  13. Carrie , I would help. It upsets me, this month, our one month, all they talk about is how some group says Mammograms are not recommended until you are 50. So Breast cancer is taking our month also! I am a 12 year survivor as of 12/3. Still when someone finds out I had lung cancer the first question is "Do you still smoke?" THat is all people think about and it seems they are saying "It is all your fault!" They don't mention that lung cancer kills more than all the leading cancers combined. We need early detection, we need research dollars, we need more treatments for all the different types. They never ask people with other types of cancer questions that blame them like they do us. Donna G
  14. Sounds like Happy News! Thanks so much for sharing. Donna G
  15. Hi Donna. Now reading your post I see where you got your name, Mex just might have something to do with the fact your in Mexico! I am one of the fortunate long term survivors. I was not Stage I , I had lots of treatments. I also have a huge church that prayed for me and I do believe that makes a difference. Keep us posted. Donna G
  16. Guess what! In one month I will be a 12 year survivor! Last month at Curves the place was covered with messages about Breast Cancer month. No mention this month that more women die of Lung cancer except for me. I have lots of tee shirts I have collected from Lung Cancer events over the past years so every day I go to Curves I have one on! I want lots and lots of survivors for the future! Donna G
  17. Welcome and I am glad you found us. I wonder why they are taking 2 months from diagnosis to start chemo. Boy that sounds like a long time. Seems I had about a week of tests, the next week I met with the Onocologist, Radiology, and surgeon ( in hopes I would become operable which I did) then it started. Did you see anyone for a second opinion? Keep us posted. Donna G
  18. Welcome Cafe, Keep us posted. Donna G
  19. Welcome. I don't know why a large incision would be "safer" for them. I had a large incision because it was 11 years ago and the tumor was up under my color bone. A lot of people now have it done with less "trauma" The most important thing you need to be greatful for is you are operable!!!! Keep us posted. Donna G
  20. Welcome. Glad you found us. I started with Chemo and radiation then was operable. See link below. Wishing him the best. Keep us posted. Donna G
  21. Welcome Mariola. Glad you found us. Will your Dad be having a CT scan soon to see how his tumor has responded? Keep us posted. Donna G
  22. Great Job Jamie!!!!!!!!! Donna G
  23. This is continuing education for nurses and Doctors Living with advanced non small cell lung cancer. http://discoveryhealthcme.discovery.com hope you find it interesting. Donna G
  24. Donna G


    Cindy, Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!!! and many more----------------- Donna G
  25. Hi Tami, Welcome. Your journey sounds similiar to mine. Chemo's, Radiation , then surgery and more chemo after. You can click below on "My Story" and get more detail. On December 3 ----I will be celebrating 12 years since that day they said "I am sorry to tell you but you have lung cancer". I pray your treatment will be this successful! Keep us posted. Donna G
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