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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Hi Cynthia. Welcome. I had my Right upper lobe removed. I am glad to be rid of it ( because it had my tumor in it!) It was tough surgery for me but look it is history, over 11 years ago! Best wishes . Let us know how things are going. keep us posted. Donna G
  2. Wonderful news Joyce! Remember He is always listening! Keep us posted! Donna G
  3. Welcome Nicole. Did your Dad have a biopsy done? Just asking because I had a CT before the biopsy. Glad you found us. I know lots of survivors who have SCLC , have had chemo and also preventative brain irradiation and are close to or at 10 years and doing well. Best wishes. Keep us posted. Donna G
  4. When I was diagnosed we had just moved back to Minnesota. I am a nurse and had applied for and got a job at a local hospital then found out the pain I had was not strain from unpacking boxes but lung cancer! I did not think taking chemo which lowers your immunity and working in a hospital mixed so I told my to be supervisor I could not show up. Would you believe she said let us know when you are finished treatment and are ready to start. She even called periodically to see how I was doing. Well after I finished and got my blood counts back to normal I did start working there. I have been there 11 years + now. I used to always work full time but now I work 6/10ths (of a 2 week schedule) . Donna G
  5. Welcome Lisa. I agree with Randy. A notebook, extra ears, perhaps a tape recorder all help to go over what the Doctor says. It is so upseting it is hard to listen and remember details. I am glad they are working on the spine and helping rid of the pain. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  6. Welcome Maddie. Glad you found us. Above our members have given you great advise. Dr. West is a great source of knowledge and is so willing to help. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  7. Welcome . So glad you found us. I started my journey with chemo and radiation. I pray your Mom's tumor responds as nicely as mine did--it died! You can read more of my story by clicking below. I see you come from Charleston, SC. I lived there a couple of years when my husband was in the Navy. Nice place. Please keep us posted on how she is doing. It is so good that she has a loved one to help her. Donna G
  8. Kasey, I am so sorry. My prayers are for the comfort of all her family and friends. Donna G
  9. Prayers going up for Tracy. Donna G
  10. Donna G

    My hard day today

    Glad you thumb will be OK. Do you like dogs? My pastor just named his new golden retriever " Boggie" . ( that is a golf term) I think it makes a cute name. Just trying to help you smile, It is so sad to be thinking of our losses. Donna G
  11. Glad you found us. I know going through this you need a lot of support. It is hard. My friend and I were just sharing one of the members of our local face to face support group is celebrating 10 years of survival and she was diagnosed Stage IV ! Keep us posted and updated. It is great that your Dad has you to help. Donna G
  12. Donna G

    Great news

    Wow ! What great news. Thanks for sharing. Stage IV to NED, wonderful. Donna G
  13. I had daily radiation and 2 chemo drugs for months then was able to have surgery and it was followed by more chemo. I have survived since 12/97 diagnosis and am friends with NED, No evidence of Disease! Best wishes Donna G
  14. Welcome. Sorry to hear you are having to fight this beast. Mass Gen is a great place for treatment. I have not heard of the R1507 study. Your boys are probably upset with all this too. There are many young diagnosed, many have others in the family also. Connie B was diagnosed young and she is still a survivor hopefully she'll see this post and check in with you. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. As you see I was raised in Boston. I still have all my family ( except my husband) living in Mass. Prayers going up for a great response in this study. Donna G
  15. Because of chemo I got instant menopause, flash, flash, flash! They gave me hormones to relieve this. Then my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. Bothe my grandmothers died of breast cancer. I had had enough cancer! So I stopped to decrease my risk of getting breast cancer. Boy am I glad I did! I sure didn't want more lung cancer! Donna G
  16. Local news with video. http://wcco.com/local/colleen.daniel.ha ... 19116.html
  17. This has been on our local news for a while. If they believe for "religious" reasons that he should not have chemo, how come he already had chemo? I guess he got sick and said he didn't want any more. Why not treat the symtoms better that he got? Also his Dad and siblings are worried and have pleaded that she bring him home and go to court as was agreed to last week. The authorities have said if she brings him home she will not go to jail. Donna G
  18. I have several friends in our local lung cancer support group who were diagnosed with small cell lung cancer years ago and have been doing well . I pray your husbands disease responds that well to chemo also. They also had preventative brain radiation. Keep us posted. Donna G
  19. We defrosted and hit 70 degrees this afternoon with a breeze. Just got back from exercising the dogs at the dog park. Pizza for supper. Glad the exercise helped you Judy. Glad your hubby was restrained and just got groceries Kasey. Donna G
  20. Hi Katie. I am glad you found us also. Hope that radiation just zaps it dead! Sounds like it is a pretty scary time. What have you told your 6 year old? Please keep us posted. This can be beat. Donna G
  21. Hi Paulette. Glad you found us. We all know how hard your Journey is right now. Believe me some of us do survive! Neither Connie or I were Stage I and we are still celebrating survival. My story is below also. Keep us posted. Donna G
  22. Welcome Sue. So sorry you also got our diagnosis but glad you found us. It is sad the general public does not know that 1/2 the people diagnosed don't smoke, many quit years ago or never ever smoked! So glad to hear the chemo is working well. After radiation and chemo mine turned to just scar tissue. Keep us posted. Donna G
  23. Hello Amy. I also am a Pancoast tumor survivor, read my story by clicking below. I also began with daily radiation and Cisplatin and Etopiside (VP16) so that I could have surgery. After surgery they told me it was all dead scar tissue! I did have more chemo after also as was the plan. I did not think I would see my next Birthday but here I am over 11 years later about to have another Birthday this summer! May your tumor respond the same and May you be enjoying your childs Birthday again 10 years from now. You will and your baby will be in my prayers. Keep us posted. Donna G
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