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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome Lorie. So glad you found us. Boy you have been through a lot this year. I ruptured my appendix and had a lobe of lung removed also but 30 years apart! Keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  2. Wow Connie. Mid December- that's only a few weeks away. Is he going to do it at the U of M? Donna G
  3. Welcome Jean. Boy you guys have had a rough couple of months. Most all of us here have no problem immagining what you have been through. There are many young people here with lung cancer that never smoked. Also there are many who have lung cancer now that quit smoking many years ago. Half the people diagnosed do not smoke! Getting pneumonia with lung cancer is common, many are diagnosed because of pneumonia. Also blood clots are common with lung cancer so keep your hubby either walking or flexing his calves, perhaps support hose. That is great news that the brain tumors are gone. Yippee! Prayers going up on great results from the Chemo. I started with chemo and radiation and was later able to have surgery, that tissue removed was tested and it was all scar, dead tissue. Pray the same result for your husbands tumor. Keep us posted. DonnaG
  4. My friend , I am not hiding. I posted my story in the "My Story" ribbon. Connie on December 3rd it will be 10 years since the Dr. told me that I had lung cancer! DonnaG
  5. I decided this month every day I will wear one of my lung cancer tee shirts. Yesterday at Curves I was so glad I did for another women had a breast cancer shirt on. It is a small thing to do to bring some awareness in November to Lung Cancer. Today I have my Lungevity tee shirt on. Donna G
  6. Great job Wendy. I want to see you in this film! How? Follow up on people who have survived cancer is a great project. DonnaG
  7. Donna G


    Find a comfortable shoe and buy it in every color, my feet don't like change, they love my SAS shoes. Never walk in bare feet or let a grain of sand get in your shoe, my feet think it is a piece of glass. Get use to your feet wiggleing, my feet are always search for information. Sleep with a king size pillow between your legs and feet, my feet quiet down if they are "tucked" into the pillow and then let me sleep. I don't take meds for the nueropathy but I do hear that some do help. Donna G
  8. Donna G

    We Remember

    In the rising of the sun and in its going down, We remember them: In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, We remember them: In the opening of buds and in the warmth of summer, We remember them: In the rustling of leaves and the beauty of autumn, We remember them: In the beginning of the year and when it ends: We remember them: When we are weary and in need of strength, We remember them: When we are lost and sick at heart, We remember them When we have joys we yearn to share, We remember them; So long as we live, they too shall live, For they are now a part of us, We remember them.
  9. Great news, thanks so much for sharing! Donna G
  10. Donna G


    Yippee Connie! I knew you could not let a year go by without your November thing here in Minnesota! Thanks so much DonnaG
  11. Welcome Pam. Wow what a story! Thanks so much for sharing. It is sad that it is not well known how many young people who have never smoked get lung cancer. You are a great addition to our "family", being a long term survivor, you will give hope to those yougn like you where who have been recently diagnosed. Donna G
  12. Welcome Joe. Many of us know for sure HE listens to our prayers. Keep us posted on how it is going. Donna G
  13. Welcome. Your sister is so fortunate to have you as an advocate. We have an onocologist who helps us on this board because lung cancer is his specialty. You also would be a great help seeing it from a family member's view. I am a nurse and fortunately nearly a 10 year survivor. Under "My Story" I wrote a lot about what happened to me. Believe me this was a huge mountain to climb but now at the top the view is good. Donna G
  14. Welcome. I am a long term survivor of Connie's group! So glad you found us. Donna G
  15. Welcome Ken, keep us posted on what they say at MD Anderson DonnaG
  16. Welcome Cheri. I am so sorry for your loss. Many of us here are working hard to get out the word re Lung Cancer. I hope you looked up the topic "Events". Here in Minnesota we have had something every year for many years, 2 years at the state capital, at my city hall and the next year at our Mall. The past couple of years with Lungevity walks are starting to pop up all over the country. The more people like yourself that will help, we will get the word out. DonnaG
  17. Welcome. The chest pain from the incision is common. We women frequently discuss how the appliance (bra) agrevates it more. This is when I am grateful that a nice tee shirt on most days is sufficient for me. When you had chemo, did the doctor give you meds for nausea? Mine gave me about 4 different kinds. I had lost quite a lot of weight before I was diagnosed so they encouraged me to drink something like Boost or Ensure between meals. The great thing that you did was keep walking! Wow. I was so wiped out and tired the thought never occured to me. I would not have walked at all if I had not had Mitch , a collie dog, at the time. I also got Neuropathy that still affects my feet. My feet want shoes on all the time and the same style! No changes! I where SAS , they come in different colors and are so comfortable. Never ever get a piece of sand in your shoe! Boy it feels like a piece of glass! Well with all those complaints, I am so happy. I soon will be a 10 year survivor and got to celebrate my 60th Birthday, I never though years ago I would make my 51st! Keep us posted. DonnaG
  18. Hi Jackie. Welcome. As you can see below in my profile, I too had a Pancoast tumor. I also started with chemoa and radiation, then surgery and more chemo after. I had an Epidural and was really in a lot of pain. The Epidural had fallen out! No wonder. As I sit here thinking about it and typing I am aware of a discomfort over my right scapula. Not anything like those first days. A lot of time I forget about it. I survived and it is nearly 10 years and still friends with NED. Keep us posted. Donna G
  19. My plan followed a study being done at the time for the treatment of Pancoast tumors. I had chemo and daily radiation to shrink the tumor that made it operable, and then as planned had chemo after also. Most all here with Pancoast have treatment to shrink prior to surgery. In general is your Mom in good health, good breathing capacity etc. Donna G
  20. Hi Dave. My Dad was a Boston Police officer. Welcome. I started with chemo and radiation and then was able to have surgery (then more chemo) and I soon will be celebrating 10 yrs since diagnosis and no evidence of disease ( our friend and buddy NED) Keep us posted. Donna G
  21. The pain from the Thorocotomy incision that most of us get from under the arm around to the back and up is painful. It gets better but for me I am still aware I was cut there and it is years later, as I hate the appliance (bra) for it sqeezes that area. I can live with it though, I am NED for almost 10 years. DonnaG
  22. Welcome Jussi. Let us know what plan of treatment they put in place for you. Donna G
  23. Welcome Theresa. Hope all goes well tomorrow. Please let us know. It will probably be a few days before a plan is in place. The waiting is hard. I do believe prayers are very important. I know it was all the prayers of my family and church and the great doctors I had that let me tell you that I am nearly a 10 year survivor. Donna G
  24. I had a "Pancoast" tumor. It is named after a Dr. Pancoast who decribed a syndrome that occurs if you have a tumor in the upper apex of the lung. In that area are blood vessels and nerves that supply the chest and shoulder and arm. The presure on the nerves from the tumor causes the pain. Most all above seem to have had pleural effusion which makes me think perhaps that also can cause presure, don't know for sure if that is why they had pain. Generally pain is not an early symptom of lung cancer. Donna G
  25. I am a nurse also. I was diagnosed 12/3/97. I had just turned 50. I was suppose to start a new job 12/15/97. Guess what with daily radiation, chemo then thorocotomy and back to chemo, I was late getting started with that new job. Finally after getting my blood counts up went to work at the hospital in April of 98, just 4 months late and have been there ever since. This summer I turned 60, the gals I work with were surprised I was that old! What kind of place do you work? Donna G
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