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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. You say that the Dr. knows for sure you have Adenocarcinoma? but he doesnt want to do anything because you "may" have something else like BAC on the other side? Why not find out for sure what you have on the other side? To me you are 64 years young! Treat this tumor while it is small. Find out what the other is for sure. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  2. Welcome Sue. I hope soon you have a plan in place to fight this tumor. Keep us posted. Donna G
  3. Donna G


    Hi Mike, as I type, I wonder if you are hearing the same siren as I hear. I am in Minnesota also. We have some in our face to face support group at Regions in St. Paul that are doing very well after treatment for SCLC. I hope your wife responds quickly to treatment. Keep us posted. Donna G
  4. Prayers for you Joann -that you too may soon be friends with NED (No evidence of disease) , he is such a nice guy! Donna G
  5. Donna G

    Bone mets

    MaryJo we all want you in remission! Prayers going up! Donna G
  6. Wishing you a very Happy Anniversary! Donna G
  7. That is true, Connie was IIIB. She was diagnosed way before me and I'll be 10 years this year. Sorry no one ever told me what stage I was but I had to have chemo and daily radiation before they would do surgery. Donna G
  8. Best wishes on your bundles of joy. Donna G
  9. Hi Lillie. Welcome. You and I may have similiar accents. We all know how stressful being told you and lung cancer is and it continues with all the tests and treatments not only on us but our families. Sorry to hear he couldn't handle the stress. The treatment can be well worth it though, I stand to testify, over 9 years of survival and cancer free! Keep us posted. Donna G
  10. Hello. Sounds like you are doing well. We all know how hard a fight it is especially that first year or so. I really hate the "appliance" , it sqeezes my broken ribs ( which never really healed) and those cut nerves! But all of this is not much to bear as long as I am here and well. Keep us posted on how you are. Donna G
  11. Thanks so much for sharing that wonderful news! I am so happy for you. Donna G
  12. I had radiation and chemo then surgery. After surgery the doctor told me the tumor was dead and just scar tissue. It is over 9 years for me and no signs of the ugly beast. Donna G
  13. After I saw my primary doc, I saw pulmonary doctor for biopsy and pulmonary function test, onocologist for a plan, radiologist to discuss his part, surgeon (only to plan for the future)and also throw in a endocrinologist because every one wanted my hyperthyroid wiped out first. I guess it depends. I have a friend who only saw pulmonary and surgeon. She never was refered to an Onc doc because they took out the lobe and all lymph nodes were clear. Donna G
  14. Hi Salt! Welcome. Boy your husband's story sounds like mine. I had the same treatment initially. You can read it under "MY STORY" through the valley and up the mountain. I pray he does as well as I. In December it will be 10 years since I was told the pain in my shoulder was lung cancer. I continue to be cancer free or what we like to say around here "Keeping friends with NED" (no evidence of disease). Keep us posted. Donna G
  15. Happy news. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Hope her recovery goes smoothly. Donna G
  16. You really don't know all until the tests are completed and a plan is proposed. I don't know how bad your Momls Emphysema is but that also would factor into the plan. She is also fairly young so that should also factor in. Keep us posted. Don't worry about your brother right now , if he is in the middle of this perhaps that is all he can cope with right now. Donna G
  17. Donna G


    Prayers going up for Jen's Mom -that her surgery goes smoothly Monday and also her recuperation from it. Donna G
  18. Hello and welcome. I really really don't think I was ready for golfing or fishing in just a few weeks after surgery but of course I did start back on chemo about that time too. If you are not debilitated after surgery you surely will be if you start your second round of chemo. Keep us posted. Donna G
  19. Hi Rod. Welcome. I figure if I could make it through the stress of chemo, radiation and surgery and more chemo without a cigarette, I do not ever need one again. They say, if you need chemo, that it is more effective if you do not smoke. We want it to be very effective! I am over 9 yrs now, it can be done! Wishing you the best, keep us posted. Donna G
  20. Hi Barb, welcome. Boy you are strong! The day they told me I had lung cancer I cried so hard while I was driving home I was afraid I'd get in an accident! Sometimes Stage I they are giving chemo incase a "cell" has escaped and later will grow. I also have a friend who is 7 yrs out who just had a lobectomy and is doing great. Keep us posted. Donna
  21. Happy, Happy, Happy 29th Birthday! Donna G
  22. Donna G


    Hi Richard. Boy you are on line early in the morning! So glad you found us. I remember the day I was told I had lung cancer, it was a hard day! It can be beat, someone has to do it. I am going on 10 years of survival and I was not considered "early". Let us know what the plan of attack is, keep us posted. Best wishes, Donna G
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